All representations received to the Stafford Borough New Local Plan 2020-2040 Issues and Options consultation document will be included in a schedule and made publicly available once the consultation has closed.
The Council will consider all representations received, using them to inform the next stage of the process for the New Local Plan 2020-2040.
Comments cannot be treated as confidential. Your personal information, such as your postal and email address will not be published and signatures will be redacted, but your name and organisation will be made available. We will only use your personal information to send you information on the New Local Plan and associated planning policy matters.
We believe you should always know what data we collect from you and how we use it, and that you should have meaningful control over both. As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, and in relation to the new General Data Protection Regulations (May 2018), we have updated our Privacy Policy.
The Council is the data controller and you can find information about how we handle your personal data by visiting and if you have any queries or would like to unsubscribe from receiving information then please contact