Housing Advice - Benefit Claims

Benefits from Stafford Borough Council

Housing Benefits can provide help with your living costs if you are on a low income. Council Tax Benefit reduces the amount of Council Tax you will have to pay and Housing Benefit can help you towards paying your rent, whether this is to a Housing Association or Private Landlord.

For further information please visit the Housing Benefits page.

Benefits Checker

You can check whether you may qualify to receive financial or other support by using the Benefit Adviser on the Directgov website.  This will tell you what you may be able to claim and what to do next.

If you are of working age, you can contact Jobcentre Plus where they will be able to tell you about benefits you can claim.

Pension Advice

You can check whether you qualify for pension credit and how much you may be entitled to by using the Pension Credit Calculator on the Directgov website or you can contact the Pension Service where they will be able to check that you are receiving the right amount.

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