
Listed below are some of the services that the Health and Housing Group may be able to give you advice or support on.

If you would like to speak to someone about any of these issues, please call 01785 619000 - Monday to Thursday 9am - 5.00pm and Friday 9am - 4.30pm.

If you find yourself homeless outside of these hours, please ring 01785 619170.

Please complete our Housing Options Assessment Tool to help identify the type of assistance that may be available to you (button below). 

Once you have completed the Assessment Tool, please can you complete the Housing Options Disclosure of Information Consent Form (pdf 214kb) and email this to housingadvice@staffordbc.gov.uk or complete this online below:

Housing Options Self-Assessment ToolDisclosure of Information Online Consent Form

Translation and Interpretation

The Health and Housing service uses a company called Language Line for interpretation and translation services. Please ask a member of the Health and Housing Team for assistance.

A to Z of Services