Recently Updated Pages

The following pages have been recently updated

Recently Updated Pages

Title Changed
Planning Weekly List
Homelessness - I Have or Will Have Nowhere to Live
Ignite and Thrive
Supporting Schools Programme
The Ancient High House
Stafford Castle and Visitor Centre
Code of Corporate Governance
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Election - Thursday 2 May 2024
Hopton and Coton Parish By-Election - 20 June 2024
General Election - 4 July 2024
Stafford Town Centre Partnership - How we use your personal information
Telephone Payments
Recycling and Waste - Know Your Bins
Waste Management Service - Online Forms
Victoria Park Events
Main Duties of Landlords and Tenants
Market Square Events
Stafford Borough Parks
Welcome from the Chief Executive
24/25 Committee Meetings
Members Page
Stonefield Park
Planning and Building Control - Online Forms
Licence Application and Review Notices
Current Opportunities and Contract Information
Council Finance
Notice of Appointment of Auditor to Stafford Borough Council
Homelessness and Substance Misuse
Compliance Penalty Appeals
Rural England Prosperity Fund
Stafford Play Areas - Victoria Park
Grants Finance
Anti-Social Behaviour
Parks and Open Spaces
Benefit Appeals
Brief for External Review of Stafford Borough Council's Development Management Service
Housing Options - Moving to a different social housing property
Partner Programmes
Leisure Centres and Sports Facilities
Space Scheme
Electoral Register
Housing Standards Enforcement Policy
Taxi Forums
Tenancy Deposit Protection Schemes
Contract - EV Chargers
High Street Boost
Heritage Sites

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