Climate Change and Green Recovery Community Panel - Meet the Members

Current Chairperson - Roisin Chambers

Retired from a career in education. In my spare time I am a devoted gardener and lover of the natural world.

My motivation in joining the Community Climate Change Panel is to do my best to contribute to community action and work alongside voluntary groups that are working hard to increase biodiversity in their community and adapt to the impact of climate change.

Alan Alecock

For too long I have been a member of the 'somebody should do something' group of folk, so now I am doing something to help Stafford be a better place to live environmentally and sustainably.

Diana Smith

I have a lifelong interest in growing good food locally and supporting local producers.

I have spent 27 years in Stafford as part of farmers’ markets, and seen the decline of locally produced food and food businesses and the rise of diabetes and other diet related illness.

I became the food and farming lead on the climate change panel because, with partners, I am convinced we can change our food systems to benefit our residents, our local economy our biodiversity and reduce our carbon footprint.

Lesley Hayes

I am retired from a career that has included working in university-based health and social care research, nursing and nurse education.

I firmly believe we need to enhance our food security given the environmental changes we are experiencing, and it is primarily for this reason that I've joined the Climate Change Panel.

Luana Bills

Working and studying in Social Impact and Sustainability in the construction sector, I’m looking to offer my insight, knowledge and network to promote responsible and sustainable development for the region.

As a Staffordshire resident I feel it’s my duty to act as a responsible citizen and to help drive the Sustainability agenda in collaboration with like-minded activists.

Mike Deegan

My background is in nature conservation - including 17 years with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. I later spent nearly a decade as a councillor with Gnosall Parish Council, where I instigated a number of biodiversity and community projects.

I now support local councils, charities and community groups through my own consultancy.

Robert Hine

I have contributed to local environmental groups in the Stafford area and beyond for some years, and in that capacity have worked on projects with the Borough Council, for example in Derrington and Littleworth.

Partnerships, involving players at all levels, are key to success in making a real impact, and hence the importance of making a success of the Climate Panel.

Roger Oldfield

Eco-anxious since c 1970. Quaker seeking a new ecological ethics for the age of 'green', including each Thursday morning with the 'green ranters'.

Founder member of Sustainability Matters, correspondent 2003-18 and Founder of G-MISS (Green Matters in Southeast Stafford).

Sarah Burgess

I have a long-standing interest in climate change and environmental issues and currently manage the office for CPRE Staffordshire, the countryside charity. I joined the panel to help support climate and biodiversity action in my local community.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, walking, and fighting a losing battle with the slugs on my garden vegetable patch.

Simon Hobbs

I have a long-standing interest in environmental issues and my focus is tackling the biodiversity crisis. I have also joined the panel to help influence the Borough Council’s approach to climate change, biodiversity and community involvement.

In my spare time I am a keen allotmenteer.

Victoria Door

As a relative newcomer to Stafford, I have seen big changes within the last 5 years. I live in Castlefields, where I see wonderful potential for creating a unique green resource on an existing area designated for intense development.

Working with the Climate Change Panel I hope to be able to contribute to the community effort for this and other areas, to enhance Stafford's ability to respond to climate change and enrich biodiversity in the context of both food production and recreation.

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