
Authority Monitoring Report

The Council produces an Authority Monitoring Report (previously called the Annual Monitoring Report) which sets out the performance of policies and progress towards targets and milestones in planning policy documents. If policies are not working as intended, or are not achieving sustainable objectives, the Authority Monitoring Report will include suggested actions.

Each Report covers the previous year from 1 April to 31 March:

Land for New Homes

The annual Land for New Homes provides an analysis of the provision of new dwellings within Stafford Borough. It identifies:

  • the number of dwellings built so far in the current plan period;
  • the number of dwellings which could be built by virtue of having permission; and
  • an analysis of completion / build rate by year, site type, location and origin.

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2024) (pdf 807kb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2023) (pdf 904kb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2022) (pdf 887kb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2021) (pdf 1.1mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2020) (pdf 1.1mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2019) (pdf 1.8mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2018) (pdf 675kb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2017) (pdf 2mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2016) (pdf 1.9mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2015) (pdf 1.8mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2014) (pdf 1.6mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2013) (pdf 4.3mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2012) (pdf 4mb)

Housing Monitor Land for New Homes (2011) (pdf 4.4mb)

Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement

All Councils are required to identify a supply of deliverable housing land for the next five years. The Council produces an annual statement that explains how the five year housing land supply is currently being met.

Following publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) on 12 December 2024 the addendum available via the link below provides an updated Five-Year Housing Land Supply position for Stafford Borough, using housing supply and completion data as at 31 March 2024 and applies the Local Housing Need (LHN) requirement in line with the revised NPPF of 751 new dwellings per year.

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