A - Submission Document
A1 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough- Publication (Submission) Document (A1) |
2013 |
Policies Maps |
A2 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough - Policies Map (A2) |
2013 |
A3 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough - Stafford Area Inset (A3) |
2013 |
A4 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough - Stone Area Inset (A4) |
2014 |
A5 |
Ladfordfields Industrial Estate Inset Map 1 (A5) |
2013 |
A6 |
Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Inset Map 2 (A6) |
2013 |
A7 |
Former Creda Works Ltd Inset Map 3 (A7) |
2013 |
A8 |
Former Meaford Power Station Inset Map 4 (A8) |
2013 |
A9 |
Moorfields Industrial Estate Inset Map 5 (A9) |
2013 |
Sustainability Appraisal |
A10 |
Revised Sustainability Appraisal Report (A10) |
2013 |
A11 |
Sustainability Appraisal:Technical Appendices (A11) |
2013 |
A12 |
Revised Sustainability Appraisal Report - Addendum (A12) |
2013 |
A13 |
Planning Strategy Statement (A13) |
2013 |
Consultation Statement |
A14 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough - Submission Consultation Statement – (Reg 22 (1) )(c) July 2013 (A14) |
2013 |
A15 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough - Consultation Statement Appendices (A15) |
2013 |
A16 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Statement of Community Involvement (A16) |
2006 |
A16a |
Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Statement of Community Involvement - Appendices (A16a) |
2006 |
Representations |
A17 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - Summary of Representations received (A17) |
2013 |
A18 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - Representations Received (A18) |
9/10/2013 |
A19 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication -Late Representations Received (A19) |
2013 |
A20 |
Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Summary of Representations (A20) |
2013 |
A21 |
Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Representations Received (A21) |
2013 |
A22 |
Planning Strategy Statement Summary of Representations (A22) |
2013 |
A23 |
Planning Strategy Statement Representations Received (A23) |
2013 |
Habitat Regulations Assessment |
A24 |
Habitat Regulations Assessment for The Plan for Stafford Borough- Publication in Respect of Natura 2000 Sites (A24) |
2013 |
A25 |
Habitat Regulations Assessment for The Plan for Stafford Borough - Publication in Respect of Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (A25) |
2012 |
Modifications |
A26 |
Schedule of Additional (Minor) Modifications (A26) |
2013 |
A27 |
Schedule of Further Additional Modifications (A27) |
2013 |
B - Supporting Submission Documents
B1 |
Regulation 19 Statement of Fact Proposed Submission The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication (B1) |
2013 |
B2 |
Regulation 19 Statement of Fact Pre-Submission The Addendum to the Revised Sustainability Appraisal Report and the Planning Strategy Statement (B2) |
2013 |
B3 |
Duty to Co-operate Statement (B3) |
2013 |
B4 |
Stafford Borough Council Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist (B4) |
2013 |
B5 |
Stafford Borough Council Legal Compliance Checklist (B5) |
2013 |
C - Other Plan Documents
C1 |
Annual Monitoring Report 2012 / 2013 (C1) |
2013 |
C2 |
Annual Monitoring Report 2011 / 2012 (C2) |
2012 |
C3 |
Annual Monitoring Report 2010 / 2011 (C3) |
2011 |
C4 |
Annual Monitoring Report 2009 / 2010 (C4) |
2010 |
C5 |
Annual Monitoring Report 2008 / 2009 (C5) |
2009 |
C6 |
Annual Monitoring Report 2007 / 2008 (C6) |
2008 |
C7 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Scheme 2013 (C7) |
2013 |
C8 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Scheme (Timetable) (C8) |
2012 |
C9 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Scheme 2008 (C9) |
2008 |
C10 |
Stafford Borough Revised Local Development Scheme (C10) |
2007 |
Publicity and Consultation Documents |
D - Main Technical Evidence Base
Housing |
D1 |
The Housing Monitor 2013: Land for New Homes (D1) |
2013 |
D2 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough – Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Review (D2) |
2013 |
D3 |
Stafford Borough Council 5 -Year Housing Land Statement (D3) |
2013 |
D4 |
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment for Stafford Borough (D4) |
2012 |
D5 |
Stafford Borough Strategic Housing Market Assessment (D5) |
2012 |
D6 A |
A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2004 Inflow and Outflow (D6 A) |
2012 |
D6 B |
A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2005 Inflow and Outflow (D6 B) |
2012 |
D6 C |
A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2006 Inflow and Outflow (D6 C) |
2012 |
D6 D |
A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2007 Inflow and Outflow (D6 D) |
2012 |
D6 E |
A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2008 Inflow and Outflow (D6 E) |
2012 |
D6 F |
A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2009 Inflow and Outflow (D6 F) |
2012 |
D7 A |
Stafford Borough Interim 2011 Household Projections Total and Household types (D7 A) |
2011 |
D7 B |
Stafford Borough Interim 2011 Household Projections Total and Household types (D7 B) |
2011 |
D8 |
Population and Household Projections for Stafford Borough (D8) |
2011 |
D9 |
2011 Interim Household Projections by Staffordshire Districts (D9) |
2011 |
D10 |
Economic Viability of Housing Land in Stafford Borough (D10) |
2011 |
D11 |
Economic Viability of Housing Land in Stafford Borough - Results (D11) |
2011 |
D12 |
Affordable Housing Economic Viability Study for Stafford Borough - Appendices (D12) |
2011 |
D13 |
Stafford Borough Subnational Population 2010 Projections (D13) |
2010 |
Economy and Employment |
D14 |
Employment Land Review 2012 (D14) |
2012 |
D15 |
Stafford and Stone Town Centre Retail Capacity –Update Final Report (D15) |
2013 |
D16 |
Stafford and Stone Town Centre Capacity Assessment - Final Report (D16) |
2011 |
D17 |
Stafford and Stone Town Centre Capacity Assessment - Appendices (D17) |
2011 |
Transport |
D18 |
Stafford Borough Integrated Transport Strategy 2013-2031 (2013) (D18) |
2013 |
D19 |
Stafford Western Access Improvement – Map (D19) |
2013 |
D20 |
Stafford Northern Access Improvement – Map (D20) |
2013 |
D21 |
Stafford Eastern Access Improvement – Map (D21) |
2013 |
D22 |
Stafford Town Centre Local Transport Package – Map (D22) |
2013 |
D23 |
Stone Local Transport Package - Map (D23) |
2013 |
D24 |
Stafford Eastern Distributor Road: Indicative Economic Assessment (D24) |
2013 |
D25 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough: Transport Evidence to Support a Northern Direction of Growth (D25) |
2013 |
D26 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough: Transport Evidence to Support a Western Direction of Growth (D26) |
2012 |
D27 |
Stafford Borough Council Core Strategy Preferred Option Testing for M6 Junction 13 and 14 Transport Evidence Base – Final Report (D27) |
2012 |
Environment and Landscape |
D28 |
Green Infrastructure, Green Space and Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy (D28) |
2013 |
D29 |
Open Space, Sports and Recreation Assessment Update (D29) |
2013 |
D30 |
Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Survey (D30)
2013 |
D31 |
Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Survey - Map Annexes (D31) |
2013 |
D32 |
Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase Visitor Impacts Mitigation Report (D32) |
2012 |
D33 |
Footprint Ecology Impacts of Recreation to Cannock Chase SAC Report (D33) |
2012 |
D34 |
The Green Infrastructure Strategy for Stafford- The Strategic Plan (D34) |
2009 |
D35 |
The Green Infrastructure Strategy for Stafford - Evidence Base (D35) |
2009 |
D36 |
The Green Infrastructure Strategy for Stafford - Appendices (D36) |
2009 |
D37 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Ecological Desk Study (D37)
2008 |
D38 |
Planning for Landscape Change: Landscape Descriptions – Stafford Borough (D38) |
2011 |
D39 |
Planning for Landscape Change: Appendix 1 Maps and Plans (D39)
2011 |
Climate Change |
D40 |
Southern Staffordshire Surface Water Management Plan Phase 2 (D40) |
2011 |
D41 |
Southern Staffordshire Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 Addendum (D41) |
2011 |
D42 |
Southern Staffordshire Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 (D42) |
2010 |
D43 |
Southern Staffordshire Outline Water Cycle Study - Addendum (D43) |
2011 |
D44 |
Southern Staffordshire Outline Water Cycle Study - Final Report (D44) |
2010 |
D45 |
Staffordshire County Wide Renewable / Low Carbon Energy Study (D45) |
2010 |
D46 |
Stafford Borough Council Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 Volume 1-Final (D46) |
2008 |
D47 |
Strategic Flood Risk Map showing flooding due to climate change (D47) |
2007 |
D48 |
Strategic Flood Risk Plan 1 showing flooding from all sources (D48) |
2007 |
D49 |
Strategic Flood Risk Plan 2 showing flooding from all sources (D49) |
2007 |
D50 |
Strategic Flood Risk Plan 3 showing flooding from all sources (D50) |
2007 |
Infrastructure |
D51 |
Viability and Delivery of Northern and Western Strategic Development Locations, Stafford (D51) |
2013 |
D52 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough: Whole Plan Viability Report (D52) |
2013 |
D53 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough: Spatial Plan for Education (D53) |
2013 |
D53a |
Staffordshire County Council errata Spatial Plan for Education (D53a) (pdf 98kb) |
2013 |
D54 |
Revised Settlement Assessment of Services and Facilities (D54) |
2012 |
D55 |
Settlement of Services and Facilities (D55) |
2008 |
D56 |
Stafford Borough Council Infrastructure Study Inputs (D56) |
2012 |
D57 |
Stafford Borough Infrastructure Strategy: Stage 2 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (D57) |
2012 |
D58 |
Stafford Borough Infrastructure Strategy: Stage 1 Final Report (D58) |
2009 |
E - Other Technical Evidence Base
Housing |
E1 |
The Housing Monitor: Land for new Homes (E1) |
2012 |
E2 |
The Housing Monitor: Land for new Homes (E2) |
2011 |
E3 |
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2012 (E3) |
2012 |
E4 |
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2011 (E4) |
2011 |
E5 |
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2010 (E5) |
2010 |
E6 |
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2010 (E6) |
2010 |
E7 |
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2009 (E7) |
2009 |
E8 |
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Methodology (E8) |
2008 |
E9 |
Stafford Borough Council Homelessness Strategy 2011-2014 (E9) |
2011 |
E10 |
Stafford Borough Council Housing Strategy 2008-2013 (E10) |
2011 |
E11 |
Staffordshire Flexicare Housing Strategy 2011-2015 (E11) |
2010 |
E12 |
Stafford Borough Council Homeless Review (E12) |
2010 |
E13 |
West Midlands North Housing Market Area -Strategic Housing Market Assessment (E13) |
2008 |
E14 |
North Housing Market Area Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (E14) |
2007 |
Economy and Employment |
E15 |
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Economic Review: An insight into our economy 2013 (E15) |
2013 |
E16 |
Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Economic Review: Summary Table of Key Indicators (E16) |
2013 |
E17 |
Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership - Economic Growth Strategy 2012 - 2026 (E17) |
2013 |
E18 |
URS Black Country and Southern Staffordshire Regional Logistics Site Study – Final Report (E18) |
2013 |
E19 |
Stafford Borough Council Prosperity Strategy 2013 - 2018 (E19) |
2013 |
E20 |
Stafford Borough Local Investment Plan (E20) |
2011 |
E21 |
Employment Land Review 2010 (E21) |
2010 |
E22 |
Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Report 2010 (E22) |
2010 |
E23 |
Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Technical Appendices 2010 (E23) |
2010 |
E24 |
Employment Land Review (E24) |
2007 |
E25 |
Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Report 2007 (E25) |
2007 |
E26 |
Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Technical Appendices 2007 (E26) |
2007 |
E27 |
Stafford Town Centre Study 2000 (E27) |
2000 |
Transport |
E28 |
Norton Bridge Area Improvements Planning Statement (E28) |
2012 |
E29 |
Norton Bridge Area Improvements Rail Enhancement Proposal Map (E29) |
2012 |
E30 |
Staffordshire Local Transport Strategy Plan and Appendices (E30) |
2011 |
E31 |
Draft Stafford Borough Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2026 (E31) |
2011 |
E32 |
Stafford Western Access Improvements Major Scheme Business Case Main Report (E32) |
2010 |
E33 |
Stafford Borough Council Local Development Framework Accessibility Appraisal (E33) |
2009 |
E34 |
Stafford Growth Options Study Addendum to Initial Option Assessment Report (E34) |
2009 |
E35 |
Stafford Growth Options Study Further Initial Option Assessment and Additional Information Report (E35) |
2008 |
E36 |
Stafford Growth Options Study Initial Option Assessment Report (E36) |
2008 |
E37 |
High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future - Phase Two the route to Leeds, Manchester and beyond (E37) |
2012 |
E38 |
HS2 Full route Birmingham to Manchester (E38) |
2012 |
E39 |
HS2 route Swynnerton to Madeley (E39) |
2012 |
E40 |
HS2 route Streethay to Swynnerton (E40) |
2012 |
E41 |
HS2 Detailed route 1 of 2 Swynnerton to Madeley (E41) |
2012 |
E42 |
HS2 Detailed route 2 of 2 Swynnerton to Madeley (E42) |
2012 |
E43 |
HS2 Detailed route 1 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E43) |
2012 |
E44 |
HS2 Detailed route 2 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E44) |
2012 |
E45 |
HS2 Detailed route 3 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E45) |
2012 |
E46 |
HS2 Detailed route 4 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E46) |
2012 |
E47 |
HS2 Detailed route 5 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E47) |
2012 |
E48 |
HS2 Detailed route 6 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E48) |
2012 |
E49 |
HS2 Detailed route 7 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E49) |
2012 |
Environment and Landscape |
E50 |
Nitrogen Deposition Report on Heathland in Cannock Chase (E50) |
2012 |
E51 |
Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Observation Study (E51) |
2012 |
E52 |
Footprint Ecology Evidence Base relating to Cannock Chase SAC and the Appropriate Assessment of Local Authority Core Strategies (E52) |
2009 |
E53 |
Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase Visitor Impact Mitigation Strategy (E53) |
2009 |
E54 |
Stafford Borough Council Assessment and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy (E54) |
2009 |
E55 |
Stafford Borough Council Assessment and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities - Appendices (E55) |
2009 |
E56 |
Stafford Borough Council Assessment and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities - Maps (E56) |
2009 |
E57 |
Stafford Borough Council Biodiversity Strategy 2012-2015 (E57) |
2012 |
E58 |
Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan 2009 ‐ 2014 (E58) |
2009 |
E59 |
Water for Life and Livelihoods River Basin Management Plan Humber River Basin District (E59) |
2009 |
E60 |
Screening Opinion for Stafford Borough Council Core Strategy in Respect of Natura 2000 Sites (E60) |
2008 |
E61 |
Cannock Chase AONB Partnership Planning Protocol (E61) |
2005 |
E62 |
Staffordshire Geodiversity Action Plan (E62) |
2004 |
E63 |
Staffordshire Biodiversity Action Plan (web only) (E63) |
1998 |
Climate Change |
E64 |
Stafford Borough Council Environmental Management Plan (E64) |
2011 |
E65 |
Staffordshire Development Specific Sustainable Energy Strategies Worked Examples (E65) |
2010 |
E66 |
West Midlands Renewable Energy Capacity Study: Implications for Stafford (E66)
2010 |
E67 |
Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Planning Process (E67) |
2008 |
Infrastructure |
E68 |
Assessment of Facilities and Services Stafford (E68) |
2012 |
E69 |
Assessment of Facilities and Services Stone (E69) |
2012 |
Built and Historic Environment |
E70 |
Building for Life 12 (E70) |
2012 |
E71 |
Code for Sustainable Homes- Technical Guide (E71) |
2012 |
E72 |
Lifetime Homes (web only) (E72) |
E73 |
Lifetime Home (LTH) Revised Criteria (E73) |
2010 |
E74 |
Staffordshire Extensive Urban Survey: Stafford (E74) |
2011 |
E75 |
Staffordshire Extensive Urban Survey: Stone (E75) |
2012 |
E76 |
Stafford Conservation Area Character Appraisal (E76) |
2011 |
E77 |
Trentham Conservation Area Appraisal (E77) |
2013 |
E78 |
Bradley Conservation Area Appraisal (E78) |
2012 |
E79 |
West Midlands Farmsteads and Landscape Project Summary Report for Staffordshire (E79) |
2010 |
E80 |
Historic Environment Character Assessment for Stafford Town (E80) |
2009 |
E81 |
Historic Environment Character Assessment for Stone (E81) |
2009 |
E82 |
Historic Environment Character Assessment for Haywoods (E82) |
2009 |
E83 |
Historic Environment Character Assessment for Eccleshall (E83) |
2009 |
E84 |
Historic Environment Character Assessment for Gnosall (E84) |
2009 |
E85 |
Stone Conservation Area Appraisal (E85) |
2008 |
Strategic Development Locations |
E86 |
Burleyfields Historic Environment Assessment – EDP Report (E86) |
2013 |
E87 |
Burleyfields:Evidence Report on behalf of Taylor Wimpey / Bellway / St Modwen (E87) |
2011 |
E88 |
Burleyfields Development Concept Plan (E88) |
2013 |
E89 |
Burleyfields Development Character Areas – Plan (E89) |
2013 |
E90 |
Burleyfields Development Existing Site Sections (E90) |
2013 |
E91 |
Northern Strategic Development Location - Illustrative Framework Plan (E91) |
2013 |
E92 |
Northern Strategic Development Location - Concept Plan (E92) |
2013 |
E93 |
Northern Strategic Development Location Beaconside Stafford Public Consultation Document (E93) |
2013 |
E94 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Land North of Stafford Strategic Development Location Meeting Notes 2012-2013 (E94) |
2013 |
E95 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Land West of Stafford Strategic Development Location Meeting Notes 2011-2013 (E95) |
2013 |
E96 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Land East of Stafford Strategic Development Location Meeting Notes 2012-2013 (E96) |
2013 |
E97 |
Statement of Common Ground Plan for Stafford Borough Strategic Development Locations Land North of Stafford Town (E97) |
2013 |
E98 |
Statement of Common Ground Plan for Stafford Borough Strategic Development Locations Land South and West of Stone (E98) |
2012 |
E99 |
Memorandum of Agreement Plan for Stafford Borough Strategic Development Locations Land East of Stafford (E99) |
2012 |
E100 |
Staffordshire County Council and Stafford Borough Council New Growth Point – Stafford. Programme of Development (E100) |
2008 |
E101 |
Staffordshire County Council and Stafford Borough Council Growth Point - Expression of Interest (E101) |
2007 |
E102 |
Staffordshire County Council and Stafford Borough Council Growth Point - Expression of Interest - Appendices (E102) |
2007 |
Community Strategies |
E103 |
Stafford Borough Community Action Plan (E103) |
2012 |
E104 |
Our County, Our Vision: A Sustainable Community Strategy for Staffordshire 2008- 2023 (E104) |
2008 |
E105 |
Stafford Borough Partnership Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020 (E105) |
2008 |
Health and Wellbeing Strategies |
E106 |
Health Strategy Update 2009 - 2013 (E106) |
2009 |
E107 |
Health Strategy 2008 - 2013 (E107) |
2008 |
E108 |
Stafford Borough Council Health and Wellbeing Services and Support (E108) |
2013 |
F - National and Regional Planning Policy
F1 |
National Planning Policy Framework (F1) |
2012 |
F2 |
Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (F2) |
2012 |
F3 |
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Three Revision Interim Policy Statement and Policy Recommendations (F3) |
2010 |
F4 |
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision Report of the Panel Volume 1 - Report (F4) |
2009 |
F5 |
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision Report of the Panel Volume 2 - Annexes (F5) |
2009 |
F6 |
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision Addendum to Panel Report (F6) |
2009 |
F7 |
Regional Spatial Strategy for the West Midlands (F7) |
2008 |
F8 |
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision – Draft Preferred Option (F8) |
2007 |
F9 |
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision – Spatial Options (F9) |
2007 |
F10 |
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Joint Waste Local Plan (F10) |
2013 |
F11 |
Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Minerals Local Plan 1994‐2006 (Saved Policies) (F11) |
2007 |
F12 |
Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Waste Local Plan 1998 – 2011 (Saved Policies) (F12) |
2007 |
F13 |
Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Structure Plan 1996-2011 Explanatory Memorandum February 2002 (saved policies) (F13) |
2002 |
F14 |
Stafford Borough Local Plan 2001 (1997) (F14) |
1997 |
F15 |
Schedule of Saved Policies contained in Stafford Borough Local Plan 2001 (F15) |
2007 |
G - Development Plan Production
Plan Documents |
G1 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough- Strategic Policy Choices Document (G1) |
2012 |
G2 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough- Draft Publication Document (G2) |
2011 |
G3 |
A Summary of The Plan for Stafford Borough Draft Publication (G3) |
2011 |
G4 |
Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough - Local Choices Document (G4) |
2010 |
G5 |
Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough- Draft Core Policies (G5) |
2010 |
G6 |
Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough- Issues and Options Document (G6) |
2009 |
G7 |
Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough- Issues and Options Summary Document (G7) |
2009 |
G8 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough: Principles for Settlement Development (G8)
2008 |
G9 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough- Borough Wide Development Strategy Document (G9) |
2008 |
G10 |
Stafford Borough Council Core Strategy DPD Inspector’s Binding Report (G10) |
2006 |
G11 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Framework - Submission Core Strategy Development Plan Document (G11) |
2005 |
G12 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Framework - Core Strategy Development Plan, Preferred Options Report (G12)
2005 |
G13 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Framework - Core Strategy Development Plan, Issues and Options Paper (G13) |
2005 |
Minutes of Meetings |
G14 |
Minutes of Council Meeting on The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - 27 November 2012 (G14) |
2012 |
G15 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting on The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - 4 October 2012 (G15) |
2012 |
G16 |
Special Community Services Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting - 26 September 2012 Amend Publication noted (G16) |
2012 |
G17 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Strategic Policy Choices - 10 May 2012 (G17) |
2012 |
G18 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Draft Publication responses and Draft SPD’s - 8 March 2012 (G18) |
2012 |
G19 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Draft Publication 4 August 2011 (G19) |
2011 |
G20 |
Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting Local Choices responses and Draft SPG’s - 12 April 2011 (G20) |
2011 |
G21 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Local Choices Consultation - 4 November 2010 (G21) |
2010 |
G22 |
Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting Draft Supplementary Planning Document Rural Buildings - 6 October 2010 (G22) |
2010 |
G23 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Draft Policies into Draft Publication - 16 September 2010 (G23) |
2010 |
G24 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Draft Policy Chapter 4 February 2010 (G24) |
2010 |
G25 |
Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting Draft Policy Chapters – 8 December 2009 (G25) |
2009 |
G26 |
Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee -Draft Policy Recommendations Task and Finish Minutes of Meeting - 6 October 2009 (G26) |
2009 |
G27 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Issues and Options Paper - 6 January 2009 (G27) |
2009 |
G28 |
Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting PfSD responses - 7 October 2008 (G28) |
2008 |
G29 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting PfSD and SHLAA Methodology - 12 June 2008 (G29) |
2008 |
G30 |
Special Community Services Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting - 3 April 2008 Responses to Borough Wide Development Consultation (G30) |
2008 |
G31 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting on Commencement and Local Development Scheme - 6 September 2007 (G31) |
2007 |
G32 |
Minutes of Cabinet Meeting on Adopted Statement of Community Involvement - 11 July 2006 (G32) |
2006 |
H - Sustainability Appraisal Reports and Responses
H1 |
Sustainability Appraisal Summary (H1) |
2008 |
H2 |
Strategic Policy Choices - Sustainability Appraisal (H2) |
2012 |
H3 |
Responses and Officer Comments on Sustainability Appraisal of Strategic Policy Choices (H3) |
2012 |
H4 |
Sustainability Appraisal Report (H4) |
2011 |
H5 |
Sustainability Appraisal Report: Technical Appendices (H5) |
2011 |
H6 |
Response and Officer Response to Sustainability Appraisal Report (H6) |
2011 |
H7 |
Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 2 for the Plan for Stafford Borough: Issues and Options (H7) |
2009 |
H8 |
Sustainability Appraisal Technical Appendices (H8) |
2009 |
H9 |
Response and Officer Response to Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 2 (H9) |
2009 |
H10 |
Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 1 (H10) |
2008 |
H11 |
Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 1: Technical Appendices (H11) |
2008 |
H12 |
Responses and Officer Comments to Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 1 (H12) |
2008 |
H13 |
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (H13) |
2007 |
H14 |
Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Technical Appendices Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (H14) |
2007 |
H15 |
Responses and Officer Comments to Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (H15) |
2007 |
I - Publicity and Consultation Documents
I1 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information January and February 2013 The Plan for Stafford Borough: Publication (I1) |
2013 |
I2 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information April and May 2013 Sustainability Appraisal and Planning Strategy Statement (I2) |
2013 |
I3 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information May to July 2012 Strategic Policy Choices (I3) |
2012 |
I4 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information September and October 2011Draft Publication (I4) |
2011 |
I5 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information November 2010 - January 2011Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough Local Choices (I5) |
2011 |
I6 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information February and March 2010Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough Draft Core Policies (I6)
2010 |
I7 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information February and March 2009Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough Issues and Options (I7) |
2009 |
I8 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information June and July 2008 Principles for Settlement Development (I8) |
2008 |
I9 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information January and February 2008 Borough Wide Development Strategy (I9) |
2008 |
I10 |
Notice of Submission Regulation 22 Part 3 (I10) |
2013 |
I11 |
Notification letter of Submission 20 August 2013 (I11) |
2013 |
I12 |
Notification letter of Submission to Libraries 20 August 2013 (I12) |
2013 |
J - Post Submission Documents
J1 |
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Online Mapping (J1) |
30/8/2013 |
J2 |
Inspectors Guidance Notes for Participants (J2) |
30/8/2013 |
J3 |
Initial Questions to the Council (J3) (pdf 37kb) |
10/9/2013 |
J4 |
Initial Questions to the Council & Response (J4) (pdf 5mb) |
10/9/2013 |
J5 |
Schedule of Matters & Issues (J5) (pdf 227kb) |
10/9/2013 |
J6 |
Flood Constraints Report (J6) (pdf 3mb) |
11/9/2013 |
J7 |
Screening Opinion for Stafford BC and Cannock Chase DC (2007) (J7) (pdf 182kb) |
13/9/2013 |
J8 |
Screening Opinion for Stafford BC, Cannock Chase DC, Lichfield DC, South Staffordshire DC & Staffordshire County Council (2008) (J8) (pdf 364kb) |
13/9/2013 |
J9 |
Impacts of Recreation on Cannock Chase SAC (J9) (pdf 2mb) |
13/9/2013 |
J10 |
Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Observation Study (J10) (pdf 1mb) |
13/9/2013 |
J11 |
Local Housing Delivery Group Viability Testing Local Plans Report (J11) (pdf 7mb) |
13/9/2013 |
J12 |
Land for New Homes 2008 (J12) (pdf 1mb) |
13/9/2013 |
J13 |
Land for New Homes 2009 (J13) (pdf 1mb) |
13/9/2013 |
J14 |
What Homes Where? (J14) (Excel Document) |
13/9/2013 |
J15 |
Stafford Borough Integrated Transport Strategy 2013-2031 (J15) (pdf 5mb) |
18/9/2013 |
J16 |
Land for New Homes 2010 (J16) (pdf 457kb) |
23/9/2013 |
J17 |
The Plan for Stafford Borough - Key Performance Indicators (J17) (pdf 3mb) |
23/9/2013 |
J18 |
High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future - Phase Two the route to Leeds, Manchester and beyond (J18) (pdf 5mb) |
01/10/2013 |
J19 |
Stone Consultation Report (J19) (pdf 6mb) |
07/10/2013 |
J20 |
Historic Landscape Characterisation Assessment (Not available online) |
07/10/2013 |
J21 |
Overview of Staffordshire Journey to Work Patterns (2001 Census Data) (J21) (pdf 219kb) |
07/10/2013 |
J22 |
Leisure Facilities Strategy - Westbridge Park, Stone (J22) (pdf 195kb) |
08/10/2013 |
J23 |
Urban Design Compendium (J23) (pdf 6mb) |
08/10/2013 |
J24 |
By Design (J24) (pdf 4mb) |
08/10/2013 |
J25 |
Next Steps to Zero Carbon Homes - Allowable Solutions (J25) (pdf 689kb) |
08/10/2013 |
J26 |
Housing Standards Review (J26) (pdf 298kb) |
08/10/2013 |
J27 |
Ministerial Statement on Local Planning and Onshore Wind (J27) (pdf 57kb) |
08/10/2013 |
J28 |
Ministerial Statement on Planning and Travellers (J28) (pdf 126kb) |
08/10/2013 |
J29 |
Planning Practise Guidance for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy (J29) (pdf 164kb) |
08/10/2013 |
J30 |
Natural England advice letter - 23 September 2013 (J30) (pdf 65kb) |
08/10/2013 |
J31 |
Designing Gypsy and Traveller Sites (J31) (pdf 5mb) |
10/10/2013 |
J32 |
Land North of Beaconside Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (J32) (pdf 5mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J33 |
Land North of Beaconside Ecological Appraisal (J33) (pdf 1mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J34 |
Land North of Beaconside Protected Species Survey Summary (J34) (pdf 9mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J35 |
Beaconside Stafford Preliminary Drainage appraisal (pdf 3mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J36 |
Land North of Beaconside Landscape and Visual Appraisal (J36) (pdf 14mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J37 |
Newbuildings Farm Flood Mapping Study Option H Technical Note (J37) (pdf 2mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J38 |
Newbuildings Farm Flood Mapping Study Hydraulics and Hydrology Technical Note (J38) (pdf 3mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J39 |
Sewer Capacity Assessment Hydraulic Modelling Summary Report (J39) (pdf 3mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J40 |
Natural England Letter Advice on Policy N6 (J40) (pdf 36kb) |
11/10/2013 |
J41 |
Burleyfields Stafford Historic Environment Assessment by EDP October 2013 (J41) (pdf 58mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J42 |
Northern Strategic Development Location Initial Concept Plan (J42) (pdf 3mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J43 |
Land North of Beaconside Transport Strategy (J43) (pdf 4mb) |
11/10/2013 |
J44 |
Land North of Beaconside Review of Traffic Implications (J44) (pdf |
11/10/2013 |
J45 (A27) |
Schedule of Further Additional Modifications (J45 (A27)) (pdf 164kb) |
16/10/2013 |
K - Council Submissions
K1 |
Background Statement (K1) (pdf 1mb) |
23/9/2013 |
K2 |
Duty to Co-operate Statement Update (K2) (pdf 1mb)
09/06/2014 |
L - Hearing Statements
Matter 1 |
Statement for Matter 1 for Stafford Borough Council (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/1a) (pdf 438kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 1 for Home Builders Federation (Legal Requirements and Procedural (M1/2a) (pdf 210kb) |
14/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 1 on behalf of David Wilson Homes (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters (M1/3a) (pdf 145kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M1/4a |
Statement for Matter 1 for Inglewood Investments (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/4a) (pdf 1.9mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M1/5a |
Statement for Matter 1 for Gladman Developments (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/5a) (pdf 979kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 1 for Commercial Estates Group (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/6a) (pdf 197kb) |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 2 |
Statement for Matter 2 for Stafford Borough Council (Spatial Vision and Key Objectives) (M2/1a) (pdf 124kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 2 for Commercial Estates Group (Spatial Vision and Key Objectives) (M2/2a) (pdf 174kb) |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 3 |
Statement for Matter 3 for Stafford Borough Council (Development Strategy) (M3/1a) (pdf 391kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/2a |
Statement for Matter 3 for Fradley Estates (Development Strategy) (M3/2a) (pdf 104kb) |
11/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 for Home Builders Federation (Development Strategy) (M3/3a) (pdf 240kb) |
14/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 for Akzo Nobel UK (Development Strategy) (M3/4a) (pdf 370kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 for Baden Hall Enterprises (Development Strategy) (M3/5a) (pdf 782 kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of David Wilson Homes (Development Strategy) (M3/6a) (pdf 234kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Written representation for Matter 3 on behalf of Mary Booth (Development Strategy) (M3/7a) (pdf 157kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/8a |
Statement for Matter 3 for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8a) (pdf 124kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Appendix A - Rural Sites to M3/8a for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8b) (pdf 219kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Appendix A - Stone Town to M3/8a for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8c) (pdf 44kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Appendix A - Stafford Town to M3/8a for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8d) (pdf 77kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/9a |
Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land Interest at Great Haywood) (Development Strategy) (M3/9a) (pdf 284kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/10a |
Statement for Matter 3 for Trent Vision Trust (Development Strategy) (M3/10a) (pdf 159kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/11a |
Statement for Matter 3 for St Modwen Developments (Development Strategy) (M3/11a) (pdf 1mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/12a |
Statement for Matter 3 for MJ Barrett Group (Development Strategy) (M3/12a) (pdf 201kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/13a |
Statement on behalf of Grainger PLC (Development Strategy) (M3/13a) (pdf 245kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of J Ross Developments (Development Strategy) (M3/14a) (pdf 1mb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Walton Homes (Development Strategy) (M3/15a) (pdf 201kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/16a |
Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land Interest at Stone) (SP4) (M3/16a) (pdf 151kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land Interest at Stone) (SP7) (M3/16b) (pdf 285kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M3/17a |
Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Gladman Developments (Development Strategy) (M3/17a) (pdf 1mb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 3 for Commercial Estates Group (Development Strategy) (M3/18a) (pdf 792kb) |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 4 |
Statement for Matter 4 for Stafford Borough Council (Stafford Town) (M4/1a) (pdf 499kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/2a |
Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Clarkes Farms (Stafford Town) (M4/2a) (pdf 3mb) |
11/10/2013 |
M4/2b |
Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Clarkes Farms (North of Stafford) (M4/2b) (pdf 725kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M4/2c |
Addendum Plan to Statement M4-2a on behalf of Clarkes Farms (Stafford Town) (M4/2c) (pdf 255kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M4/3a |
Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Creswell Parish Council (Stafford Town) (M4/3a) (pdf 370kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M4/4a |
Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of St Modwen (East of Stafford) (M4/4a) (pdf 30kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M4/5a |
Statement for Matter 4 for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5a) (pdf 371kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/5b |
Appendix 1 to Statement M4/5a for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5b) (pdf 7mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/5c |
Appendix 2 to Statement M4/5a for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5c) (pdf 402kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/5d |
Appendix 3 to Statement M4/5a for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5d) (pdf 2mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/6a |
Statement for Matter 4 for Environment Agency (Stafford Town) (M4/6a) (pdf 127kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/7a |
Statement for Matter 4 for St Modwen Developments (Stafford Town) (M4/7a) (pdf 2mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/8a |
Statement for Matter 4 for TF Planning (Stafford Town) (M4/8a) (pdf 88kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (M4/9a) (pdf 68kb) |
15/10/2013 |
Appendix A to Statement M4/9a on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (M4/9b) (pdf 690kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10a |
Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (Stafford Town) (M4/10a) (pdf 70kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10b |
Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (North Stafford) (M4/10b) (pdf 58kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10c |
Appendix 1 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10c) (pdf 2.8mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10d |
Appendix 2 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10d) (pdf 721kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10e |
Appendix 3 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10e) (pdf 7mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10f |
Appendix 4 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10f) (pdf 349kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10g |
Appendix 5 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10g) (pdf 357kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10h |
Appendix 6 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10h) (pdf 6.5mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10i |
Appendix 7 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10i) (pdf 2.9mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M4/10j |
Appendix 8 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10j) (pdf 1.1mb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 4 for Ingestre with Tixall Parish Council (East of Stafford) (M4/11a) (pdf 214kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M4/12a |
Statement for Matter 4 for Commercial Estates Group (Stafford Town) (M4/12a) (pdf 5mb) |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 5 |
Statement for Matter 5 for Stafford Borough Council (Stone Town) (M5/1a) (pdf 517kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M5/2a |
Statement for Matter 5 for Jon Heal (Stone Town) (M5/2a) (pdf 439kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M5/2b |
Addendum consultation leaflet to Statement M5/2a for Jon Heal (Stone Town) (M5/2b) (pdf 2mb) |
11/10/2013 |
M5/3a |
Petition Submission letter submitted to hearings by Keep Westbridge Park Green (Stone Town) (M5/3a) (pdf 242kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M5/3b |
Statement for Matter 5 for Keep Westbridge Park Green (Stone Town) (M5/3b) (pdf 217kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M5/3c |
Appendix 1 to Statement M5/3b for Keep Westbridge Park Green (Stone Town) (M5/3c) (pdf 6.5mb) |
11/10/2013 |
M5/4a |
Statement for Matter 5 for Dr Malcolm Bell on behalf of the Bowers Family (Stone Town) (M5/4a) (pdf 184kb) |
11/10/2013 |
M5/5a |
Statement for Matter 5 for Robert G Jones (Stone Town) (M5/5a) (pdf 358kb) |
M5/6a |
Statement for Matter 5 for Richard Evans (Stone Town) (M5/6a) (pdf 107kb |
11/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 5 for Fradley Estates (Stone Town) (M5/7a) (pdf 99kb) |
14/10/2013 |
M5/8a |
Statement for Matter 5 for Hallam Land Management (Stone Town 1 and 2) (M5/8a) (pdf 4.5mb) |
16/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 5 on behalf of David Wilson Homes (Stone Town 1 and 2) (M5/9a) (pdf 255kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M5/10a |
Statement for Matter 5 for City of Stoke on Trent Council (Stone 1 and 2) (M5/10a) (pdf 219kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M5/11a |
Statement for Matter 5 for Trent Vision Trust (Stone Town) (M5/11a) (pdf 154kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M5/12a |
Statement for Matter 5 for MJ Barrett Group (Stone Town) (M5/12a) (pdf 78kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M5/13a |
Statement for Matter 5 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land interest at Stone) (M5/13a) (pdf 4mb) |
15/10/2013 |
Statement for Matter 5 on behalf of Chris Tibbits |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 6 |
M6/1a |
Statement for Matter 6 for Stafford Borough Council (Economy) (M6/1a) (pdf 369kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M6/2a |
Statement for Matter 6 for Stan Robinson (Stafford) Ltd (M6/2a) (pdf 93kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M6/2b |
Appendix A to M6/2a for Stan Robinson (Stafford) Ltd (Economy) (M6/2b) (pdf 422kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M6/3a |
Statement for Matter 6 for Raleigh Hall Estatements (Economy) (M6/3a) (pdf 3.7mb) |
15/10/2013 |
M6/4a |
Statement for Matter 6 on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4a) (pdf 587kb) |
15/10/2013 |
M6/4b |
Appendix 1 to Statement M6/4a on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4b) (pdf 4.2mb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/4c |
Appendix 2 to Statement M6/4a on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4c) (pdf 2.4mb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/4d |
National Policy Statement (EN1) on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4d) (pdf 961kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/4e |
National Policy Statement (EN3) on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4e) (pdf 357kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/5a |
Statement for Matter 6 on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5a) (pdf 587kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/5b |
Appendix 1 to M6/5a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5b) (pdf 171kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/5c |
Appendix 2 to M6/5a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5c) (pdf 910kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/5d |
SoS and Conditions on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5d) (pdf 818kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/5e |
Trentham Inspectors Report on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5e) (pdf 11.2mb) |
16/10/2013 |
M6/6a |
Statement for Matter 6 on behalf of Mr and Mrs R Tonge (Economy) (M6/6a) (pdf 183) |
17/10/2013 |
Matter 7 |
M7/1a |
Statement for Matter 7 for Stafford Borough Council (Transport) (M7/1a) (pdf 172kb) |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 8 |
M8/1a |
Statement for Matter 8 for Stafford Borough Council (Communities) (M8/1a) (pdf 305kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M8/2a |
Statement for Matter 8 for Home Builders Federation (Communities) (M8/2a) (pdf 166kb) |
14/10/2013 |
M8/3a |
Statement for Matter 8 for Newcastle under Lyme and Stoke on Trent City Council (Communities) (M8/3a) (pdf 196kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M8/4a |
Statement for Matter 8 for Housing Plus (Communities) (M8/4a) (pdf 582kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M8/5a |
Statement for Matter 8 on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Communities) (M8/5a) (pdf 325kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M8/5b |
SoS and Conditions on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Communities) (M8/5b) (pdf 818kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M8/5c |
Trentham Inspectors Report on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Communities) (M8/5c) (pdf 11.2mb) |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 9 |
M9/1a |
Statement for Matter 9 for Stafford Borough Council (Environment) (M9/1a) (pdf 371kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/2a |
Statement for Matter 9 for Home Builders Federation (Environment) (M9/2a) (pdf 205kb) |
14/10/2013 |
M9/3a |
Statement for Matter 9 for Environment Agency (Environment) (M9/3a) (pdf 131kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/4a |
Statement for Matter 9 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (Environment) (M9/4a) (pdf 128kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/5a |
Statement for Matter 9 for Inglewood Investments (Environment) (M9/5a) (pdf 1.9mb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/6a |
Statement for Matter 9 on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6a) (pdf 468kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/6b |
Appendix 1 to Statement M9/6a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6b) (pdf 35kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/6c |
Appendix 2 to Statement M9/6a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6c) (pdf 171kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/6d |
Appendix 3 to Statement M9/6a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6d) (pdf 277kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/6e |
SoS and Conditions on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6e) (pdf 818kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M9/6f |
Trentham Inspectors Report on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6f) (pdf 11.2mb) |
16/10/2013 |
Matter 10 |
M10/1a |
Statement for Matter 10 for Stafford Borough Council (Infrastructure) (M10/1a) (pdf 268kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M10/2a |
Statement for Matter 10 for St Modwen Developments (Infrastructure) (M10/2a) (pdf 221kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M10/3a |
Statement for Matter 10 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (Infrastructure) (M10/3a) (pdf 88kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M10/4a |
Statement for Matter 10 on behalf of St Modwen (Infrastructure) (M10/4a) (pdf 453kb) |
16/10/2013 |
M10/4b |
Appendix 1 to Statement M10/4a on behalf of St Modwen (Infrastructure) (M10/4b) (pdf 82kb) |
16/10/2013 |
N - Documents Submitted and Related to Hearings
N1a |
Local Plan Council Opening Statement (N1a) (pdf 47kb) |
24/10/2013 |
N1b |
Matter 1 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Responses (N1b) (pdf 190kb) |
24/10/2013 |
N1c |
Matter 2 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Responses (N1c) (pdf 173kb) |
24/10/2013 |
N1d |
Matter 3 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Responses (N1d) (pdf 239kb) |
24/10/2013 |
N1e |
Matter 4 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1e) (pdf 231kb) |
25/10/2013 |
N1f |
Matter 5 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1f) (pdf 218kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N1g |
Matter 6 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1g) (pdf 197kb) |
31/10/2013 |
N1h |
Matter 7 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1h) (pdf 166kb)
31/10/2013 |
N1i |
Matter 8 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1i) (pdf 224kb) |
31/10/2013 |
N1j |
Matter 9 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1j) (pdf 197kb) |
31/10/2013 |
N1k |
Matter 10 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1k) (pdf 191kb) |
31/10/2013 |
N2.1 |
List of Homework (N2.1) (pdf 96kb) |
18/11/2013 |
N2.2 |
HBF - ID No. of Beta guidance on shortfall (N2.2) (pdf 8kb) |
25/10/2013 |
N2.3 |
Sustainability Appraisal (N2.3) (pdf 24kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.4 |
SAC Policy (N2.4) (pdf 44kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.5 |
Annual Housing Completions (N2.5) (pdf 175kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.6 |
Staffordshire Moorlands Inspectors Interim Report 2013 (N2.6) (pdf 491kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.7 |
Deliverability of Site to North of HCC Stafford (N2.7) (pdf 76kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.8 |
Note on Development Plans (N2.8) (pdf 459kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.9 |
4th Element of Hierarchy (N2.9) (pdf 35kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.10 |
Wording of SP7 (N2.10) (pdf 24kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.11 |
Settlement Boundaries (N2.11) (pdf 64kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.11a |
Review Policy C5 re application of settlement limits (N2.11a) (pdf 64kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.12 |
Supersede Plan Policies (N2.12) (pdf 24kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.13 |
Wording of Policy Stafford 1 (N2.13) (pdf 34kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N2.14 |
Review wording of Policy Stafford 1 Page 40 (N2.14) (pdf 60kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.15 |
Full justification of Moratorium and further details of its application (N2.15) (pdf 469kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.16 |
Provision of a breakdown of Housing Trajectory (N2.16) (pdf 277kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.17 |
Possible housing drivers - economy and social factors (N2.17) (pdf 855kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.18 |
Council to consider its position on 3100 north of Stafford (N2.18) (pdf 1mb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.19 |
Maximus Strategic Housing Numbers (N2.19) (pdf 25kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.20 |
What Homes Where LPA Plan Period (N2.20) (pdf 216kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.21 |
Site Plan from Fradley Estates (N2.21) (pdf 330kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.22 |
Akzo Nobel Housing Numbers (N2.22) (pdf 53kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N2.23 |
Plans submitted by M J Barrett (N2.23) (pdf 1mb) |
05/11/2013 |
N2.24 |
Correct re EDR in FAM19 in J45 (N2.24) (pdf 49kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.25 |
Raleigh Hall Estates Policy E4 (N2.25) (pdf 156kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.26 |
SHLAA Stone details of housing commitments (Stone Area Plan) (N2.26) (pdf 1mb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.27 |
Town Centre Policy E8 - Further justification (N2.27) (pdf 55kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.28 |
Implication of English Heritage SOCG (N2.28) (pdf 56kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.29 |
Consider justification and wording requirement - 3 habitable rooms (N2.29) (pdf 51kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.30 |
Review need to refer to Recycling facilities (N2.30) (pdf 48kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.31 |
Review wording of Policy N6 and accompanied text (N2.31) (pdf 48kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.32 |
English heritage Email dated 5 November 2013 (N2.32) (pdf 376kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.33 |
Review terminology of Strategic Frameworks (N2.33) (pdf 52kb) |
07/11/2013 |
N2.34 |
Review detailed wording of SDL Policies (N2.34) (pdf 57kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.35 |
LDF Core Spatial Strategy 2006 - 2016 (N2.35) (pdf 8mb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.35a |
Newcastle Proposal Map (N2.35a) (pdf 1mb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.35b |
Stoke on Trent - Proposals Map (North) (N2.35b) (pdf 1mb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.35c |
Stoke on Trent - Proposals Map (South) (N2.35c) (pdf 1mb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.36 |
Correct regarding WDR re cost in Fig 4 M117 (N2.36) (pdf 46kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.37 |
Review Policy E2 - Settlement Limits (N2.37) (pdf 51kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.38 |
Bowers Family Land (N2.38) (pdf 2mb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.39 |
Review Policy C6 (N2.39) (pdf 60kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.40 |
Up to date details of past affordable housing provision (N2.40) (pdf 59kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.41 |
Review text and table below 13.24 (N2.41) (pdf 74kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.42 |
Review boundary detail of Stone re HLM land planning application (N2.42) (pdf 2mb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.43 |
Site Plan from Trent Vision Trust (N2.43) (pdf 307kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.44 |
Westbridge Park floodzones (N2.44) (pdf 396kb) |
11/11/2013 |
N2.45 |
Evidence relating to Stoke on Trent Urban Regeneration Project (N2.45) (pdf 255kb) |
18/11/2013 |
N2.46a |
Schedule of Minor Modifications (N2.46a) (pdf 721kb) |
22/11/2013 |
N2.46b |
Schedule of Main Modifications 2013 (N2.46b) (pdf 797kb) |
22/11/2013 |
N2.46c |
Stone Area Inset Nov 2013 (N2.46c) (pdf 6mb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46d |
Proposals Map Nov 2013 (N2.46d) (pdf 6mb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46e |
Stafford Area Inset Nov 2013 (N2.46e) (pdf 10mb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46f |
Raleigh Hall Revision 30 Oct 2013 (N2.46f) (pdf 97kb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46g |
Stafford North Key Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46g) (pdf 242kb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46h |
Stafford North Concept Diagram 30 Oct 2013 (N2.46h) (pdf 242kb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46i |
Stafford West Concept Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46i) (pdf 62kb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46j |
Stone Key Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46j) (pdf 300kb) |
20/11/2013 |
N2.46k |
Stone Concept Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46k) (pdf 308kb) |
20/11/2013 |
N3a |
Letter from Councillor Mark Winnington regarding Stafford Western Access Route (N3a) (pdf 45kb) |
25/10/2013 |
N3b |
Letter from Network Rail regarding Western Access Route (N3b) (pdf 102kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N4a |
Email letter from South Staffordshire Council (N4a) (pdf127kb) |
30/10/2013 |
N5a |
Letter from Hugh Lufton re Main Modification (N5a) (pdf 198kb) |
31/10/2013 |
N6a |
Signed Statement of Common Ground - Land West of Stafford (N6a) (pdf 1mb) |
01/11/2013 |
N6b |
Signed Statement of Common Ground - Western Strategic Development Location (N6b) (pdf 558kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N6c |
Letter from Bellway (N6c) (pdf 26kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N6d |
Email exchange with English Heritage regarding Land West of Stafford (N6d) (pdf 260kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N7a |
Boundary of Stone Conservation Area near Westbridge Park submitted by Robert G Jones (N7a) (pdf 123kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N7b |
2013 Westbridge Park Flood Map submitted by Robert G Jones (N7b) (pdf 162kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N8a |
Trentham Gardens Master Plan (N8a) (pdf 1mb) |
01/11/2013 |
N8b |
Trentham Phase 3 Location Plan (N8b) (pdf 197kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N9a |
Further Statement from Paul Windmill (N9a) (pdf 90kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N10a |
Output of proposed Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (N10a) (pdf 52kb) |
01/11/2013 |
N11.1 |
Fradley Estates - Response to Multiple HW (N11.1) (pdf 53kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.2 |
Gladman Developments - Response to HW N2.17 (N11.2) (pdf 197kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.3 |
Raleigh Hall Estates - Response to HW N2.25 (N11.3) (pdf 46kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.4 |
Maximus Strategic - Response to HW N2.11 (N11.4) (pdf 80kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.5 |
Maximus Strategic - Response to HW N2.34 (N11.5) (pdf 82kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.6 |
Paul Windmill - Response to Multiple HW (N11.6) (pdf 206kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.7 |
HBF - Response to Multiple HW (N11.7) (pdf 162kb)
19/11/2013 |
N11.8 |
Taylor Wimpey - Response to HW (N11.8) (pdf 284kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.9 |
St Modwen Developments - Response to HW (N11.9) (pdf 311kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.10 |
Commercial Estates Group - Response to HW (N11.10) (pdf 137kb) |
19/11/2013 |
N11.11 |
Walton Homes - Response to HW (N11.11) (pdf 252kb) |
28/11/2013 |
N11.12 |
Milwood Ltd - Response to Mod15 (N11.12) (pdf 38kb) |
28/11/2013 |
N11.13 |
Fradley Estates / Stan Robinson - Response to Mods (N11.13) (pdf 46kb) |
28/11/2013 |
N11.14 |
Fradley Estates - Response to HW (N11.14) (pdf 39kb) |
28/11/2013 |
N11.15 |
Keep Westbridge Park Green - Response to Mods (N11.15) (pdf 52kb) |
28/11/2013 |
N11.16 |
Hallam Land - Response to N2.45 (N11.16) (pdf 326kb) |
28/11/2013 |
N11.17 |
Council Summary and Response to Homework (N11.17) (pdf 301kb)
28/11/2013 |
N11.18 |
SOT and NUL - Response to Mods (N11.18) (pdf 177kb) |
28/11/2013 |
N11.19 |
CEG - Response to Mods (N11.19) (pdf 149kb) |
29/11/2013 |
N11.20 |
Dr Bell - Response (N11.20) (pdf 71kb) |
29/11/2013 |
N11.21 |
Summary of MODS Comments and Council Response (N11.21) (pdf 269kb) |
09/12/2013 |
N11.22 |
Inspector's Recommendations for Further Main Modifications (N11.22) (pdf 110kb) |
19/12/2013 |
N11.23 |
Letter from Colwich Parish Council (N11.23) (pdf 96kb) |
24/12/2013 |
N11.24 |
Council response to Colwich Parish Council Letter (N11.24) (pdf 41kb) |
24/12/2013 |
N11.25 |
CC SAC Partnership (N11.25) (pdf 52kb) |
10/01/2014 |
N11.26 |
St Albans Road - Gypsy Site Planning Consent (N11.26) (pdf 2mb) |
06/03/2104 |
N12 |
NPPG Statement (N12) (pdf 87lb) |
14/04/2014 |
N13 |
English Heritage Statement of Common Ground (N13) (pdf 86kb) |
25/04/2014 |
N14.1 |
23 October 2013 - Morning Notes - Examination Hearing - Legal and Procedural Matters and Vision and Strategic Objections (N14.1) (pdf 383kb) |
08/07/2014 |
N14.2 |
23 October 2013 - Afternoon Notes - Examination Hearing - Development Strategy - Housing and Employment Requirements (SP2) (N14.2) (pdf 387kb) |
08/07/2014 |
N14.3 |
24 October 2013 - Morning Notes - Examination Hearing - Development Strategy (Spatial Principles SP3-SP7) (N14.3) (pdf 367kb) |
08/07/2014 |
N14.4 |
24 October 2013 - Afternoon Notes - Examination Hearing - Development Strategy (Spatial Principles SP3-SP7) (N14.4) (pdf 389kb) |
08/07/2014 |
N14.5 |
25 October 2013 - Morning Notes - Examination Hearing - Stafford Town (Policies Stafford 1 & 2) (N14.5) (pdf 485kb) |
08/07/2014 |
N14.6 |
25 October 2013 - Afternoon Notes - Examination Hearing - Stafford North (Policy Stafford 2) (N14.6) (pdf 378kb) |
08/07/2014 |
N14.7 |
29 October - 1 November 2013 - Examination Hearing Notes (N14.7) (pdf 683kb) |
08/07/2014 |
O - Consultation on Main Modifications
O1.1 |
Plan for Stafford Borough - Modifications (O1.1) (pdf 43mb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.2 |
Schedule of Main Modifications 2014 (O1.2) (pdf 1mb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.3 |
Schedule of Additional Modifications (O1.3) (pdf 876kb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.4 |
Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (O1.4) (pdf 1.73mb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.5 |
Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (O1.5) (pdf 1.37mb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.6 |
Policies Map for Stafford Borough - Modifications (O1.6) (pdf 6mb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.7 |
Stafford Area Inset Map - Modifications (O1.7) (pdf 10mb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.8 |
Stone Area Inset Map - Modifications (O1.8) (pdf 5mb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.9 |
Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Inset Map - Modifications (O1.9) (pdf 96kb) |
07/02/2014 |
O1.10 |
Summary of Modification Representations and Council Response (O1.10) (pdf 904kb) |
14/04/2014 |
O1.11 |
Representation from Action Parkside (O1.11) (pdf 90kb) |
16/04/2014 |
O1.12 |
Council Response to Representation from Action Parkside (O1.12) (pdf 29kb)
16/04/2014 |
O1.13 |
Main Mods Representations (O1.13) (pdf 14mb) |
22/04/2014 |
O1.14 |
Inspectors Note on Further Amendments to Main Modifications (O1.14) (pdf 78kb) |
01/05/2014 |
O1.15 |
Council Response to Inspectors Note on Further Amendments to Main Modifications (O1.15) (pdf 129kb) |
01/05/2014 |
O1.16 |
Final Schedule of Main Modification May 2014 (O1.16) (pdf 1mb) |
01/05/2014 |
O1.17 |
Final Schedule of Additional Modifications May 2014 (O1.17) (pdf 961kb) |
01/05/2014 |
O1.18 |
Letter from Creswell Parish Council (O1.18) (pdf 307kb) |
20/05/2014 |
O1.19 |
Council Response to Creswell Parish Council (O1.19) (pdf 46kb) |
20/05/2014 |
O1.20 |
Letter from Pegasus Group (O1.20) (pdf 364kb) |
22/05/2014 |
O1.21 |
Council Responses to Pegasus Group on behalf of Akzo Nobel Ltd and Maximus Strategic Land (O1.21) (pdf 39 kb) |
22/05/2014 |
O1.22 |
Email from Hallam Land Management (O1.22) (pdf 49kb) |
13/06/2014 |
O1.23 |
Council Response to Hallam Land Management (O1.23) (pdf 40kb) |
13/06/2014 |
O1.24 |
Letter from David Walton Homes (O1.24) (pdf 203kb) |
13/06/2014 |
O1.25 |
Council Response to David Walton Homes (O1.25) (pdf 34kb) |
13/06/2014 |
O1.26 |
Stafford LP Inspector Final Report (O1.26) (pdf 325kb) |
16/06/2014 |
O1.27 |
Final Schedule of Main Modifications June 2014 (O1.27) (pdf 942kb)
16/06/2014 |
O1.28 |
Final Schedule of Additional Modifications June 2014 (O1.28) (pdf 784kb) |
16/06/2014 |