Licensing Alcohol and Entertainment

Who needs a licence

Any business or organisation that sells/supplies alcohol on a permanent basis needs a Premises Licence.

Anyone who plans to sell/supply alcohol or authorise the sale/supply of alcohol must have a Personal Licence.

Please read the Personal Licence - Relevant Offences document (pdf 208kb) before you apply for a personal licence (, as your application may be affected if you do not acknowledge this information.

Supply of alcohol and regulated entertainment in Member’s Clubs such as working men’s clubs, require a Club Premise Certificate.

If you are holding a small scale, ad hoc event for less than 500 people you will require a Temporary Event Notice.

Cost of a licence

A premises licence fee is based on the non-domestic rateable value (NDRV) of the premises. You can check your rateable value at Valuation Office Agency (

More information on how much your application will cost

An annual renewal fee is payable to the Council for your premises licence to remain in place. 

You will also have to pay an additional fee where the premise exclusively or primarily sells alcohol, as well as the application fee. 

The fee is for the application, and not the granting of the Licence, so please ensure that the form is filled in correctly, as no refunds will be given.

Applying for a licence

You will need to complete an application form and send it to the council, along with the correct fee. Depending on the type of application you are making you may also be required to send hard copies to the police and other Responsible Authorities.

Apply for a Premises Licence (
Apply for a change in Designated Premises Supervisor (
Apply for a Premises Licence Transfer (
Tell us about a minor change to your premises (Minor Variation) (
Apply to vary your Premises Licence (
Apply for a Temporary Event Notice (
Apply for a Club Premises Certificate (
Apply for a Provisional Statement (
Consent to be Designated Premises Supervisor (
Notify us of an interest in premises under section 178 (
Apply for an Interim Authority Notice (
Request to be removed as Designated Premises Supervisor (
Notify us of a change of name or address (

Licensing Register

The Licensing Register

A to Z of Services