Landlord Information Pack

We have produced a landlord information pack containing the key information that all landlords should know.

Please read it carefully and feel free to contact our Housing Team by mailing if you have any questions. 

  1. Main Duties of Landlords and Tenants
  2. Tenancy Agreements and Inventories
  3. Property Viewing Checklist (pdf 43kb)
  4. Energy Performance Certificates
  5. Tenancy Deposit Protection
  6. Tenants on Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance
  7. Harassment and Illegal Eviction
  8. The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS)
  9. Gas Safety
  10. Electrical Safety including Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
  11. Furniture and Furnishing Safety 
  12. Legionnaires' Disease and Risk Assessment
  13. Overcrowding
  14. Enforcement against the HHSRS
  15. House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
  16. Redress Scheme Requirement
  17. Landlords Accreditation Scheme 
  18. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms

If you are having any problems with your tenants or want advice on property standards in the homes that you rent out, you should contact us for advice on the above email address.

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