If you believe a stray dog to be dangerous then you should contact the Police immediately. See Dangerous or Banned Dogs section below.
If a dog has been left alone in a property, that is a welfare issue and should be reported to the RSPCA immediately.
The Council has a duty to control stray and unaccompanied dogs (Environmental Protection Act 1990).
The term 'stray' refers to any dog which is not accompanied by an owner or other person with responsibility for that dog in a public place. This applies regardless of whether the dog carries identification or wears a collar.
Since the introduction of the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2014, from 6 April 2016 all dogs must be chipped and registered to an approved database by the time they are eight weeks old.
In all cases stray dogs will be taken to our kennels, and the microchip details will be used to attempt to contact the owner and advise them that we are holding the dog and the fees that apply.
Collected dogs will be kept safely for up to eight days. See below for more information about collecting your dog.
I have seen/found a stray dog
If the dog is wearing a collar and tag giving details of the owner's name and address, if possible, return the dog. Alternatively, contact the Council on 01785 619000 or email info@staffordbc.gov.uk to arrange collection by our representative. The more details you can provide when reporting will help us to successfully return the dog to its owner.
Please note, the council representatives can only collect stray dogs during the following working hours:
- 8am - 4pm, Monday - Friday
Stray dogs can only be collected from an identifiable premises or place. Please help us by tethering the dog or securing in a garden.
I have lost my dog
You should contact the Council on 01785 619401 during normal officer hours or email info@staffordbc.gov.uk as soon as possible to report that your dog is missing. You will need to give as many details as possible such as:
• Where and when the dog was last seen
• What colour, size and breed is it
• If it's tagged and microchipped
• Your name address and contact details
Reclaiming your dog
Dogs may only be reclaimed from the kennels by prior arrangement:
Please ring the kennels to arrange collection on 01782 304130. City Dogs Home, Brookhouse Lane, Stoke-On-Trent, ST2 8ND.
To reclaim your dog from the kennels, there is a statutory collection fee of £25 and an additional recovery fee from kennels of £27.85 recovery fee is payable to Stafford Borough Council plus any kennelling and vet’s fees (at cost) incurred by looking after your dog.
Currently these payments must be by cash or cheque and are payable directly to the kennels on collection.
Dangerous or banned dogs
The Police are responsible for taking action where dogs are dangerously out of control and for the keeping of illegal breeds of dog.
A dog is dangerously out of control if 'a dog injures a person or behaves in a way that makes a person worried that it might injure them'.
Report directly to Staffordshire Police (dangerous and banned dogs) telephone 101.
More information about banned or dangerous dogs (www.gov.uk).