Business Support

The Business Growth Team offers a free independent advice service to help you start, run or grow your business, with advice and support available to all located in or looking to relocate to the Borough.

We encourage businesses of any size or sector to contact us.

Our purpose is to promote and enable growth and development in our area by:

  • Encouraging inward investment
  • Assisting with grants and finance
  • Providing business support delivered directly
  • Facilitating engagement with stakeholders delivering business support
  • Signposting to providers of skills and training programmes
  • Premises search

Access the appropriate support for your business or idea below or email if you would like us to contact you.

Business Start Up Support / AdviceE-NewsletterExisting Businesses

FundingHigh Street BoostPartner Programmes

Property Search


Mary Timmis

Growth and Investment Officer

01785 619000

A to Z of Services