Applications for Listed Buildings

Listed Building Consent is required from us to carry out any works of demolition, alteration or extension to a listed building that would affect its special historic or architectural interest.

This applies to the whole of the building, internally and externally, and often includes boundary walls or ancillary structures within the grounds (curtilage). Relatively minor works such as painting windows, plastering internal walls or removing a fireplace, may require consent.

It is a criminal offence to carry out work to a listed building without first obtaining Listed Building Consent from us. It is always best to check whether your proposals need consent with the Conservation Officer or a Planning Officer before commencing any works to a listed building.

We must give special regard to protecting listed buildings and any features of historic merit they possess. It also seeks to ensure that new work, such as extensions or boundary walls, respect the historic character of the building.

All applications for works to listed buildings must be accompanied by both a Design and Access Statement, and a Heritage Statement.

You are advised to use an accredited architect with experience in dealing with historic buildings, and to discuss your proposals with the Conservation Officer before submitting any application.

Historic England Advice

Historic England Advice Note 16 (Listed Building Consent) gives both general advice for owners of listed buildings about listed building consent as an application process and on how to judge whether proposals need consent, how to achieve certainty on the need for consent and how to make informed applications.

It also gives advice on works which may or may not need listed building consent, depending on how the works are proposed to be carried out. The advice note can be found on the Historic England website.

Conservation Queries

The Conservation Query Form is for general conservation queries relating to listed buildings, conservation areas and the historic environment. The completed form can be emailed to We shall endeavour to respond to your query in a timely manner, but please allow 10 days before chasing up a query. 

Should your query relate to a current planning application or listed building consent application please contact the allocated case officer for that application and do not use this form. For all other general planning queries please email or call 01785 619337.

Useful Links

Make an application for Listed Building Consent

Design and Access Statements for Listed Buildings

Heritage Statements for heritage asset applications

A to Z of Services