We have produced Part One of the Brownfield Land Register showing a list of previously developed / brownfield sites, in accordance with Government Regulations. The Register is maintained and reviewed once a year, to make sure it is kept up to date.
Part One of the Brownfield Land Register (2024) and site plans:
- Brownfield Land Register (.csv)
- Brownfield Land Register Site Plans (pdf 3.9mb)
- Interactive map of Brownfield Land Register 2024
Brownfield Land Registers are made up of two parts:
- Part One of the Register is for sites categorised as brownfield / previously developed land which are suitable, available and achievable for residential development.
- Part Two of the Register is optional and provides the opportunity to select sites from Part One and grant ‘Permission in Principle’ (PiP) for housing development.
PiP establishes the fundamental principles of development in terms of the use, location and amount of development. Planning permission is not granted until Technical Details Consent is applied for and approved.
The data is provided under the Open Government Licence (nationalarchives.gov.uk).
Brownfield Land
Brownfield Land or Previously Developed Land is defined in the National Planning Policy Framework as:
“Land which has been lawfully developed and is or was occupied by a permanent structure and any fixed surface infrastructure associated with it, including the curtilage of the developed land (although it should not be assumed that the whole of the curtilage should be developed). It also includes land comprising large areas of fixed surface infrastructure such as large areas of hardstanding which have been lawfully developed. Previously developed land excludes: land that is or was last occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings; land that has been developed for minerals extraction or waste disposal by landfill, where provision for restoration has been made through development management procedures; land in built-up areas such as residential gardens, parks, recreation grounds and allotments; and land that was previously developed but where the remains of the permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape.”
Sites put forward which meet the definition of brownfield land (above) will be assessed in terms of whether they are:
- Suitable (is appropriate for residential development)
- Available for residential development (as indicated by the landowner / developer)
- Achievable (development is likely to take place within 15 years of the entry date on the register)
Sites listed within the Brownfield Land Register are expected to be subject to the approval of further details prior to development taking place.
Submitting Sites
To submit a site to be included in the next Brownfield Land Register, please complete a Call for Sites submission, including “Part C - Brownfield Land Register”.
The Strategic Planning team will review all submissions for inclusion in the Brownfield Land Register to determine whether the requirements have been met to allow for the site to be included. If successful, the site will be added to the next update of the Brownfield Land Register.
Note, submitting a site doesn't automatically mean that it will be added to the Register or granted planning permission in the future.
If there are any changes to the site, such as the boundary, following its submission, please let us know and provide an up-to-date map with a brief explanation of any changes. We also need to know if the site is no longer available so it can be removed from the Register. This can be done by contacting the Strategic Planning team at strategicplanning@staffordbc.gov.uk.