
New woodland play area already opened as part of £1.5m park development 

A new woodland play area has been opened as part of the major makeover of Westbridge Park in Stone. 

children's play area

Chance to give views on ASB laws in Stafford 

Residents and businesses now have the chance to give their views on regulations aimed at helping tackle anti-social behaviour in Stafford Borough.

street sign

Stafford parks hit judges for six in national award

Six venues in Stafford Borough have again been listed among the best parks and open spaces in the UK.

Victoria Park

Final call for comments on sex venue policy in Stafford

Time is running out to give views on plans to tighten regulations in case of any proposals for lap dancing clubs and sex shops in Stafford Borough. 

Final call for comments on sex venue policy in Stafford

Up to £65k on offer for organisations and businesses in rural areas of Stafford 

Organisations in rural areas of Stafford Borough looking to launch ambitious projects to help the local economy could be in line for a £65,000 boost towards their schemes. 

JR bid on asylum centre in Stafford ruled out after legal advice

A judicial review of the decision to allow former university halls of residence in Stafford to be turned into accommodation for asylum seekers would not succeed. 

university halls

Tenant and his visitors banned from 55+ complex in Stafford after ASB complaints

A resident and his visitors have been banned from an over 55s housing complex in Stafford after complaints about anti-social behaviour. 

Police Officer

Email response to help with canvass in Stafford Borough

Around 45,000 people across Stafford Borough will be receiving an email from the council this week as part of the annual canvass. 

annual canvass

Community hub launched to help the vulnerable

A community wellbeing hub is being launched in Stafford to support and reach out to vulnerable people.

Affordable homes made more energy efficient in Stafford 

Housing association, Homes Plus, is nearing completion on a £2.3 million project to make 129 homes warmer, greener and cheaper to run. 

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