
Taxi drivers fined after plying for trade illegally in Stafford Borough 

A total of seven taxi drivers have been fined after being convicted of plying for trade illegally in Staffordshire. 

‘Who is taking your rubbish?’ warning after fines for fly tipping in Stafford

A senior councillor is calling on residents and businesses to support efforts to help tackle rubbish being dumped illegally in Stafford Borough.

fly-tipped rubbish

Plan ahead call to residents with Ironman heading to Stafford

Residents and businesses are reminded to check temporary road closure details and plan ahead for journeys with only a few weeks to go until this year’s IRONMAN 70.3 Staffordshire event. 

finish line

Check your bin collection day for May bank holiday

Residents in Stafford Borough are being reminded to check when their recycling and waste will be collected next week due to the May Bank Holiday. 

bin lorry

Asylum Centre appeal in Stafford moves online

The final day of a public inquiry regarding an appeal against Stafford Borough Council’s decision to refuse an asylum centre in the town will be heard online. 

inquiry room

Paving the way to Market Square renovation in Stafford 

New paving stones are now being laid as the renovation of the Market Square in Stafford begins to take shape.

paving slabs

New leader takes the reigns at Stafford Borough Council

The new leader of Stafford Borough Council is Aidan Godfrey. 

Cllr Aidan Godfrey

New mayor takes chains of office in Stafford 

The new mayor of Stafford Borough was sworn in at a traditional ceremony in the town at the weekend. 

Cllr Andy Cooper

Public Inquiry on planned asylum accommodation in Stafford to get underway 

A public inquiry takes place in Stafford this week following the borough council’s decision to refuse an application for an asylum centre in the town.

stafford rugby club

Litter campaigner calls foul on courts lenient fine for dog mess crime in Stafford 

A litter campaigner said she was disheartened by the ‘lenient’ court fine handed to a woman who did not clean up after her dog. 

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