Who is responsible for trees in Stafford Borough?


The Planning Service, officially called the Local Planning Authority (LPA), deals with all issues relating to trees in private ownership.

Things such as the making, serving and administration of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), dealing with issues relating to trees growing in Conservation Areas (CAs), high hedges, hedgerow removal, and matters relating to trees and development all come under the Local Planning Authority's jurisdiction.

Contact details

Head of Economic Development and Planning, Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford ST16 3AQ

Tel: 01785 619000

Email: trees@staffordbc.gov.uk

We publish advice on a range of matters including:


Streetscene deals with most issues relating to trees in Council ownership.

Matters relating to trees in public parks and gardens, Council owned woodlands and other public open space are all dealt with by this service.

Contact details

Head of Operations, Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford ST16 3AQ

Tel: 01785 619000

Email: info@staffordbc.gov.uk


Staffordshire County Council deal with complaints about trees, shrubs and other vegetation that are causing an obstruction on pavements, footways and other public thoroughfares, or which are obscuring street lighting. Also, trees that may be a danger to highway users.

More information is available from Staffordshire County Council - Roads and Highways.

Report Faults Online

Other tree related matters

Biodiversity: promoting and protecting wildlife habitats.

Tel: 01785 619000

Email: wwaller@staffordbc.gov.uk

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