Information about trees within a Conservation Area covered by a Tree Preservation Order.
If a tree is within a Conservation Area, but not protected by a Tree Preservation Order, then six weeks written notice must be provided to Stafford Borough Council of the intention to carry out works to it.
To find out if a tree is within a Conservation Area, or covered by a TPO, please telephone (01785) 619000 and we will be able to advise you.
This notification can be provided using the PDF application form or the Word application form, which can be returned by post, or via email to Alternatively the notification can be submitted online via the Planning Portal.
It is an offence to carry out work to a tree in a Conservation Area without providing prior written notification.
The Council has up to six weeks to consider a notification of tree works in a Conservation Area.
If there are any objections to your proposed works we will notify you in writing that we intend to serve a Tree Preservation Order.
You will also be notified in the event that we have no objections to the proposed works.
Notification must be provided for the felling, uprooting or pruning (including roots) of any tree within a Conservation Area which has a trunk in excess of 75mm when measured at 1.5 metres above ground.
The required notification period is reduced from six weeks to five working days for dead trees.
There is no requirement to provide notice for the removal of dead branches from a living tree, or for the removal of ivy.
If you believe the tree to be dangerous and presents an immediate risk of serious harm
Please note, all information contained on this and other pages relating to trees is written for the benefit of tree owners, the general public and amenity groups and answers some of the most common questions relating to trees.
It is for guidance only and is not a statement of the law.
You should consult a solicitor if you are unsure of your legal rights or obligations.