Streetscene - To report a problem, make a comment or complaint

Stafford Borough covers approximately 230 square miles. We often rely on the public to tell us where particular localised problems are. The details below will help you to report problems to us so that we can sort them out for you.

Grounds Maintenance and Street Cleansing

Includes: grass cutting, road sweeping, weed-killing, cleaning up dog mess, syringes and other sharp items, emptying litter bins, attending to council-owned trees, removing dead animals from roadside and pavements, cleaning council owned toilets.

Report a problem, make a comment or complaint

If you would like to report a problem with equipment at a Borough Council- owned play area please call 01785 619000.

Stafford Borough Council Customer Portal

The Stafford Borough Council customer portal enables you to report issues to us. You can attach photos, videos and any other relevant information to your report and pin point the location using your phone’s (Android, Windows, Apple) mapping software.

You can submit a range of reports which include:

  • Concerns and complaints
  • Animal fouling
  • Fly-tipping
  • Litterbin emptying

We are not responsible for the following

The maintenance of roads, pavements (including kerb-side weeds, gritting roads and reporting potholes), road signs (except street nameplates), "Welcome to" signs and street lighting in the Borough is the responsibility of Staffordshire County Council.

To report a leak on the sewage or clean water supply pipelines then you need to contact Severn Trent Water. This can be done either via their website ( and go to the 'Households' section which will allow you to fill in an online form or phone them on the 24hr line on 0800 783 4444.

Environmental Crime Enforcement

Includes: dog fouling, fly tipping, graffiti, dropping litter, abandoned vehicles, fly posting and vandalism.

You can also email at or call on 01785 619000.

A to Z of Services