Work is to begin in January to improve the approach and entrance to Stafford Railway Station.
It will include refurbishment of the concourse, new street furniture, increased disabled parking close to the station, road resurfacing and a larger relocated public short-stay car park. The scheme will also improve access for people with disabilities and is part of the wider transformation of the town centre - which has seen the £1 million revamp of Market Square, and work to begin soon on demolishing the Guildhall Shopping Centre and derelict former Co-op department store.
The station is the gateway to Stafford town and sits adjacent to Victoria Park which has retained national recognition this year as one of the best parks and open spaces in the UK.
The award-winning civil engineering company, McPhillips (Wellington) Limited, will be undertaking the Station Approach scheme with work expected to start immediately after the Christmas period.
Plan showing the changes happening at Station Approach (pdf 301kb)