Stafford Borough Council's Housing Strategy 2015 - 2019

Our Housing Strategy is currently under review.

The housing strategy has a vision to provide a range of high quality, safe and affordable housing to meet the current and future needs of Stafford Borough’s population and to ensure a healthy living environment for residents and local communities.

There are two overarching priorities for Stafford Borough Council and partners, the first is Desirable Homes and Neighbourhoods, we will:

  • Deliver a range of housing types and tenures to meet local needs;
  • Ensure desirable homes and neighbourhoods;
  • Encourage owners of empty homes to bring properties back into use;
  • Promote the Borough as a place to invest; and
  • Ensure public space is clean, green and attractive.

The second priority is Healthy People and Communities, we will:

  • Prevent homelessness and support homeless households into permanent accommodation;
  • Ensure homes across all tenures provide a healthy living environment that enable residents to thrive;
  • Tackle Fuel Poverty and Energy Inefficient Homes;
  • Support residents to find work, where needed, to avoid long term worklessness;
  • Ensure older and vulnerable households, including carers have access to services; and 
  • Support the reduction of crime in locality areas and support victims of crime.

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