Our Eco-Schools Network

The Stafford Borough Eco-Schools Network was set up in 1999 and is open to all schools in Stafford Borough. The Network organises regular meetings and provides resources and expertise; help in solving problems and answering questions; hands-on training; discretionary grant funding for projects; and an opportunity for schools to share good practice. The Network is considered a showcase of local authority best practice.

Here are its aims:

  • To encourage sustainable development activity in schools, especially, though not solely, via the England Eco-Schools programme
  • To provide advice and access to expertise, and give a pointer to other sources of help
  • To help provide practical assistance e.g. conservation work in school grounds
  • To help develop or find out about resources, including funding
  • To run an annual Eco-Action Day
  • To look after the Eco-Schools Mascot - Elliot the Eco-Bat - and his Blog!
  • To generate mutual encouragement
  • To link up to other SBC sustainable development initiatives, such as Litter, Recycling and Waste Minimisation, Air Quality monitoring and action, SBC Community Awards, ‘There is No Planet B’ Environmental Art Exhibition and Competition, walking and cycling initiatives.

Members include:

Schools within Stafford Borough and we will consider schools from neighbouring towns, local organisations involved in sustainability projects, biodiversity work and any environmental action.

Who can take part

Any school can join the Eco-Schools programme, whether they're a nursery, primary school, secondary school, college, or a school with special status.

Joining the Eco-Schools programme is completely free and is designed to be as flexible as possible.

To get started on your journey, register with Eco-Schools now.

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