Electric Vehicle Parking

Where to park and charge electric vehicles in Stafford Borough

We currently have SWARCO and BP chargers on some of our car parks.

SWARCO chargers

Stafford Borough Council, Stoke City Council and Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council have jointly been awarded £787,500 through the government’s Ultra Low Taxi Infrastructure Scheme to install 30 electric vehicle (EV) rapid chargers in council-owned car parks for use by taxis, private hire vehicles and the general public.

Find out more about SWARCO chargers and how to use the charge points.


Broad Street Stafford

  • 2 Public Spaces

  • 2 Taxi Spaces

Doxey Road, Stafford

  • 2 Public Spaces

  • 2 Taxi Spaces

Victoria Park, Stafford

  • 2 Public Spaces

North Walls, Stafford

  • 2 Taxi Spaces

BP Pulse Chargers

Stafford Borough Council has been awarded £134,659 of funding through the On-street Residential charge point Scheme (ORCS) which provides grant funding for local authorities to install residential on-street charge points. The scheme aims to improve the availability of local electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for residents without off-street (private) parking.

Find out more about BP Pulse chargers and how to use the charge points.


Doxey Road, Stafford

  • 12 Public Spaces

Gaol Road, Stafford

  • 8 Public Spaces

North Walls, Stafford

  • 8 Public Spaces

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