Blue Badge Holders

Information on the Blue Badge Scheme and how to apply for or renew is available through:

Council Car Parks


  • Please ensure you check signage carefully.
  • Valid disabled blue badge and clock must be displayed.
  • Motorists who do not clearly display a valid blue badge and clock will be liable for a Penalty Charge Notice.

Short and long stay car parks - parking is free for the registered disabled up to the maximum time permitted.

Variable stay car parks - parking for the registered disabled is for a maximum of 4 hours free parking. Advertised charges will then apply for additional hours.

Parking for the registered disabled can be found in both Stafford and Stone.

Waterfront Multi-Storey and Riverside Undercroft car parks - parking is charged at the advertised rates.

Displaying your Blue Badge correctly

The badge should be displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle with the front side containing the expiry date, issuing authority and wheelchair symbol clearly visible to the Enforcement Officers.

The associated time clock only needs to be displayed when you are parking on yellow lines or in a blue badge parking bay that has a time limit.

In both cases, you should set the time of arrival on the clock and display it next to your badge on the dashboard.

Important: Please check that your badge has not expired and that you park in a marked bay.

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