The Council is championing the Climate Change agenda and has made a commitment to reach net zero by 2040.
We can all do our bit to make Staffordshire greener and reduce our impact on the environment by thinking differently about how we live our everyday lives.
Small changes can make a big difference, like changing how we travel, heat our homes, how we work, look after our surroundings, what we buy and how we dispose of our waste.
We are doing our bit to be more sustainable
- Transforming our energy system to one which uses renewable sources. We purchase more than 10% of our energy from renewable energy sources. We have also installed solar photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the Civic Centre and at Riverway Nursery to generate our own renewable energy
- We have installed a water saving device in every WC cistern. The device displaces water so instead of 7.5 litres of water being used in every flush, we now only use 6 litres
- LED lighting has been installed in the Civic Suite foyer. This has reduced demand at each light fitting from 50 watts to 4 watts
Together we can Make Staffordshire Sustainable, whether you are a resident, a business or a community group, small things that you do can make a big difference.
As a resident learn more about how to do your bit
- Increase the amount of waste you recycle - Recycling and Waste - Know Your Bins
- Walking, cycling or using public transport instead of using a car wherever possible
- Making small changes to decrease your energy usage wherever possible. For example, use LED lightbulbs, a lower temperature when washing your clothes and turn your taps off whilst brushing your teeth - 21 Energy Saving Tips
- Pledge to live a more sustainable life and get weekly top tips straight into your inbox
- Join the Make Staffordshire Sustainable Community Group
If we all do our bit we will breathe cleaner air, create greener communities and make Staffordshire a healthier place to live and work.
To learn more visit Doing our bit (
Top Tips on cutting down on food waste
We are on a mission to reduce the amount of food we throw away. In Staffordshire, approximately 30% of everything thrown into the general waste bin is food. That is over half a tonne of food every year per household and lot of this waste could have been avoided.
- Don’t over buy. Keep track of what you have bought and used. You could even take a ‘shelfie’ – a photo of your fridge and cupboards to remind you of what is there
- Check the use-by dates of fresh food when you buy it. These are the dates to take notice of, rather than the best-before dates. Only buy what you can use before it expires
- Plan ahead. Think about what you are going to cook and how you will use the leftovers
- Love your freezer. If you have not had time to eat it you might be able to freeze it right up to the use by date
Composting your unwanted food
Much of our uncooked kitchen waste and garden rubbish can easily be home composted. Composting turns your kitchen and garden waste into a free nutrient rich food for your garden and can be used on vegetable gardens, flower beds or placed around trees to improve soil structure and nutrient content.
If you decide to give it a go, to help you get started we are offering specially discounted compost equipment for a limited time for all residents in Staffordshire.
Head over to the Get Composting website and pop in your postcode.
You can order online or call 0844 571 4444 and quote reference SWP13L. Charges are made at the standard cost from a BT landline of 5p per minute, plus setup charge. Other providers may charge more.