Honey Bees

Pollinating insects, honey bees in particular, are under significant environmental pressure.

Each active hive can contain tens of thousands of bees and each bee visits thousands of plants in a day. However, a bee colony is vulnerable because it is dependent upon one queen, and disease can spread quickly throughout a weakened hive.

What we can do

We do not treat for bees. When our officers are called to a swarm they will assess the situation and if necessary, a qualified bee keeper will be contacted.

Our Pest Control Service will try to protect and preserve all bee colonies that are having an impact in homes and vulnerable establishments such as schools. Often, the colonies are moved to another location.

Honey bees produce huge swarms as rival queens move on to new sites. The swarms can be huge with perhaps 10,000 bees travelling with a single purpose to find a new base.

Members of the public and organisations often report to us such swarms that can cause huge disruption and distress for those affected when they land.

Handling bee swarms is a skilful operation, and is one that requires considerable nerve and resource. Unfortunately, some individuals that are affected by a swarm will try to deal with it themselves using chemicals with disastrous effects for the bees.

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