Streetscene - Frequently Asked Questions

This page lists the most frequently asked questions that we are asked. If your question has not been answered you can contact us by email or telephone.

How often are litter bins emptied?

There are over 1300 council owned litter bins in the borough. Litter bins situated in the town centres of Stafford and Stone are emptied daily. The bins situated outside smaller shopping areas around the borough are emptied approximately four times a week. Bins in parishes are emptied once a week depending on use.

If you would like to report a damaged or overflowing litter bin, please email us at

How often is Council owned grass cut?

During the summer and autumn months (March to the end of October/early November) council owned grass is cut approximately every 3 weeks (when the weather is particularly wet this can significantly change the schedule).

We don't cut grass that is; privately owned, on properties/estates owned by organisations other than the council or on roadside verges. Staffordshire County Council's Highways Department cuts the verges.

If you would like to report an issue relating to grass cutting, please email us at

How can I request a road sweep?

If you feel that your road is not swept satisfactorily and would like to report it, please email us at

Who cleans road grids/gullies?

Staffordshire County Council Highways Department have responsibility for cleaning out highway 'road gullies'.

To report an issue contact Staffordshire County Council's Highways Department.

Can I request a litter pick?

Yes you can. We try to send a litter picker around your neighbourhood at least once a week and they are in town every day. If you would like to request a litter pick please email us at or call us on 01785 619401.

Who cleans up dog mess?

Dog mess is not only unsightly, it can be a danger to public health and it can be an offence for dog owners not to clear up after their pets. Unfortunately some people still allow their dogs to foul on public land without picking it up afterwards.

Information on dog fouling.

Report dog mess on public pavements or open space or call us on 01785 619401.

How can I dispose of dog mess?

Take a poop scoop or a bag with you whenever you take your dog out. You can place the sealed bag in any normal public litter bin (make a note of where the bins are along your route) or take it home with you. The Council provide free dog waste bags through a number of outlets around the borough. Look for the yellow dog stickers in the window or find your nearest stockist online.

Can I report somebody for not clearing up their dog mess?

Yes you can. Our Environmental Crime Enforcement Officers would like to hear from you.

You can either fill out our online form or contact us on 01785 619000.

Report somebody for not clearing up dog mess

What do I do if I find broken glass, syringes or other sharp items?

When litter is considered dangerous to the public, as in the case of broken glass and sharps (which include, needles and other drug-related items), 

DO NOT pick it up! You should contact us and we will arrange for its safe disposal. In the case of sharps, if they are on privately owned property, we will still collect them although charges may apply.

To report broken glass or sharps please call 01785 619401 or email us at

Who is responsible for pot holes, pavements, street lighting or gritting, road markings, signage and kerb-side weeds?

This is the responsibility of Staffordshire County Council.

Who is responsible for street nameplates?

The Council is responsible for ensuring that street nameplates are provided and fitted in suitable positions (i.e. residential areas adopted* by the Borough Council) and for their repair and maintenance when this becomes necessary either due to accidental damage, vandalism or normal wear and tear. In the case of a new development however, the developer is responsible for the erection of nameplates to the Council's specification.

To report damaged, missing or illegible street nameplates or for more information or to make an online request about road markings and signage - street nameplates please fill out the Street Nameplates online form.

*an adopted site is one that the Borough Council has taken over responsibility for from the developers of the site.

Who do I contact regarding leaks on sewage or clean water supply pipelines?

You should contact Severn Trent Water via their website ( and go to the 'Households' section which will enable you to fill in an online form.  Alternatively you can phone their 24 hour line on 0800 783 4444.

How do I report graffiti, flyposting and flytipping?

Currently, Streetscene can only remove graffiti from Borough Council owned property. Fly posting can only be removed from Council owned property and land. We also seek to prosecute anyone proved to be responsible for such activities.

If you want to report graffiti, fly posting or fly tipping please use the relevant online form, email us at or phone 01785 619000.

Who cleans public toilets?

Streetscene clean the council owned toilets in Stafford and Stone. These are located in: Broad Street (Stafford), Station Road (Stone), and Crown Street (Stone). We also clean the public toilets on the Stone Road in Eccleshall and Brocton Lane in Milford.

For a list of our public toilets and their opening times please see the Public Conveniences page.

If you want to request that a toilet is cleaned, please contact us on 01785 619401 or email us at

Who looks after sports pitches?

We are responsible for: Wildwood (Stafford), Silkmore Lane (Stafford), Western Downs (Stafford), Barnes Road (Stafford), Cresswell Manor Farm (Stafford), Woodlands Road (Stafford), Charnley Road (Stafford), Westbridge Park (Stone), Tilling Drive (Stone), Walton Common (Stone), Whitemill Lane (Stone).

If you want to report a problem with any pitches in the list, please call 01785 619000 or email

Do you remove dead animals from the roads?

We provide a free service for the removal of dead animals, such as badgers and foxes, dogs or cats from public roadsides and pavements.

If you want to report a dead animal, please use the following Dead Animal online form or call 01785 619401.

Who is responsible for the maintenance of Borough Council owned play areas?

Stafford Borough Council Leisure Services are responsible for the Borough Council's play areas. Streetscene cut the grass and maintain hedges and trees. We also undertake daily safety checks of any play equipment.

If you want to report a problem with equipment at a Council owned play area, please call 01785 619000 or email

How can I order a hanging basket for my business?

Each year Streetscene issue application forms to businesses in Stafford and Stone Town Centres. These forms contain information about the cost and when orders need to be received by us. More information can be found on Streetscene's Floral Decorations page.

Can you help me with a community litter pick?

We'd be delighted to help you. We can lend you litter pickers and green litter bags and we'll even collect the full bags from you. For more information see the Community Litterpick page or call us on 01785 619401.

How can I find out about advertising on a roundabout?

There are a number of advertising opportunities available on roundabouts and flower beds in Stafford. However, because of the scale of interest from local businesses, a waiting list is in operation. For more information see the Advertising Opportunities page or email

How can I feedback about the work that Streetscene do?

If you would like to feedback your comments, compliments and complaints you can give us a call on 01785 619401 or fill out our Feedback online form.

Why don't Streetscene sweep or cut the grass where I live?

The Council does not sweep roads or cut grass that are privately owned. It is the responsibility of the owner. This is often the developer but could be a Housing Association or other party.

In order for local authorities to take over responsibility for grass or roads in these circumstances, the owner must first ensure that they meet an ‘adoptable standard’.

Who repairs damaged bus shelters?

Although the Borough Council has responsibility for a number of bus shelters, many are the responsibility of one of the following:-

If there is an issue with a bus shelter, please try to identify who the responsible party is and contact them directly. Their logo, phone number or web address might be on the frame of the shelter.

If the shelter has Stafford Borough Council's name/logo on it and needs repair, please report the bus shelter online.

Who repairs street furniture?

To make an online request for more information about street furniture, please fill in the Street Furniture online form.

Vandalism is an illegal, anti-social activity that creates a negative impression of an area and contributes to people's fear of crime.

If you would like to report any acts of vandalism to Council property, private property or street furniture, please contact

Alternatively, contact your local Police Station.

A to Z of Services