We own 20 allotment sites throughout Stafford Borough.
Applicants for Stafford borough allotment plots must reside within the Stafford borough council local authority boundary.
Plots are regularly assessed by the site committee and notice to vacate will be given if an acceptable standard is not maintained.
What it Costs
£11 per garden rood (1 garden rood equals 53.51 square metres).
Concessions apply for those of state pension age or registered disabled - £7 per garden rood.
Plot sizes vary from 1 garden rood on some sites with average plot size overall being 2.5 garden roods or 5 garden roods.
The rental period runs from 25 March to 24 March and annual rent and other charges are payable by 25 March in each year.
When budgeting don't forget to factor in, for example, tools, seeds, plants and fertilizers.
Additional Fees:
Each site fix their own membership / site fee to help with maintenance of the site, generally between £3 and £15 per year.
There's an annual water charge calculated on total water used on the site.
What to Consider When Applying for a Plot
Many plots that become vacant may need considerable effort to re-establish them and it will be an ongoing task to ensure that the plot is maintained and kept weed free.
The size of a plot - will the size you’re applying for be manageable?
Do you have the time to spend on a plot? Will friends or family help if needed?
The location of the site - is it close to where you live? Think about the regular journeys that you will have to make to keep your plot in good condition.
Are you prepared/able to spend the energy on digging and clearing weeds to prepare your plot? Don’t underestimate the amount of time and energy required to do this.
Have you got the commitment? It may take up to nine months to grow vegetables. Will you be around to nurture your crops or to do the weeding while your crops grow?
If you're often away from home during the main growing season, March to October, and there is no-one to help, this may not be for you.
What restrictions there on the site that you are interested in, for example are sheds and greenhouses allowed.
Soil Type - check the soil type and what you will need to do to improve and maintain the soil.
Weeds - If weeds are left they will destroy your vegetables and spread onto other plots as well.
Apply for a Plot
Allotment Application Form (pdf 209kb)
Please complete and email the form to sbhallotmentplot@gmail.com
Or post to:
SBC Horticultural Committee Secretary, 22 Newquay Avenue, Stafford ST17 OEB.
When you apply for a plot you can arrange to have a site visit to have a look around the site and the plot, and learn all about how the site operates, before you make a decision.
We will make every effort to allocate you a plot on your preferred site. If there isn’t a plot each site has its own waiting list.
Email Chris Hammond for further information or speak to Chris on telephone 07505 539003.
We look forward to welcoming you to one of our sites.
Benefits of an Allotment Plot
The results can be very satisfying when you harvest your own fresh crops, the taste is out of this world, but there can be disappointments due to seeds not germinating, plant diseases, insect infestation, birds and animals helping themselves, not enough rain, too much rain, too much heat and unexpected frosts.
When you take a plot you can look forward to plenty of exercise working in the fresh air at your own pace.
Allotment gardening offers a feeling of great wellbeing, both physical and mental.
You will be joining a small community of like-minded people of all ages who will welcome you and always be prepared to offer help and advice and share ideas on how to get the best from your plot.
Whilst the main growing season is from March to October you can apply for a plot at any time of year. There’s always a job to be done on an allotment plot.
Management of Allotment Sites
The management of our allotment sites is undertaken by the Allotment Trustees elected annually by the Stafford Borough Council Horticultural Committee with co-operation from council officers.
Each site operates separately under the management of its own site secretary and committee. All plot holders must accept the allotment site rules and health and safety policy as agreed and adopted by the Stafford Borough Council Horticultural Committee.
How we use your personal information
Information you supply to us will be dealt with in line with data protection legislation. We will use your information to enable us to fulfil our duties in relation to your enquiry and any ongoing membership as a Stafford Borough Council allotment plot holder.
Your information will be used only by the site you opt to join and the SBC Allotment Management Committee (The Trustees). No information will be passed on to any third party without your permission.