Home Adaptations and Aids for Disabled People

There are a range of options available which may make your everyday life easier and safer. From small things such as jar openers, grab sticks, long handled shoe horns, talking clocks or personal alarms to larger home adaptations such as a stair lift or a level access shower.

View a range of products that you might find useful (Staffordshire County Council).

If you think you may need a home adaptation and want help with the cost of this, read more about our Disabled Facilities Grants.

Disabled Facilities Grants

A Disabled Facilities Grant is funding to help a disabled person adapt their home to make it easier and safer to live in.

  1. The works must be necessary and appropriate - this will need to be discussed between the disabled person and an Occupational Therapist.
  2. It must also be reasonable and practicable to carry out the works - this often depends on the age, condition and layout of the property.

Subject to the above, the following are examples of works that may be available:

  • Facilitating access to and from the dwelling or the building in which the dwelling or, as the case may be, flat is situated.
  • Facilitating access to a room used or usable as the principal family room.
  • Facilitating access to a room used or usable for sleeping, or alternatively providing such a room for the disabled occupant.
  • Facilitating access to a room in which there is a lavatory, a bath or shower (or both) and a wash basin, or providing a room in which there is such a facility or facilities.
  • Facilities for the preparation and cooking of food.
  • Facilitating access to and from the garden and make access safe.

Grants are available towards disabled adaptations to most types of living accommodation, including mobile homes and houseboats.

Who can apply

You must be either the owner or tenant of the property. You do not have to be the disabled person for whom the works are required, it is possible for a landlord to apply on behalf of a disabled tenant.

To start the process you will need an assessment from an Occupational Therapist (OT).

If the adaptations are for a child, you can arrange for an assessment by contacting Children and Families Services at Staffordshire County Council Tel: 0800 1313 126 (Monday to Thursday 8.30am - 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm) or email firstr@staffordshire.gov.uk.

If the adaptations are for an adult, you should contact Staffordshire County Council via the following:

  • Website: Staffordshire County Council.
  • Phone 0300 111 8010 to speak to an Advisor.
  • Text/SMS (for people with a hearing impairment) Tel: 07814 194 111.
  • Minicom users Tel: 01785 276207.

If the OT supports an application for home adaptations, they will send a referral to the Council’s Housing Assistance Service.  Depending on the number of referrals received and the budget available, we may operate a waiting list and you will be advised of this upon receipt of the referral.

Stafford Borough Council and South Staffordshire District Council are working together to deliver Disabled Facilities Grants. Stafford Borough Council is hosting the service, this means that residents of both Stafford Borough and South Staffordshire District Council can access the Shared Housing Assistance Service.

Applying for a grant, arranging contractors, gaining planning permission and informing Building Control, where needed, can be complicated. Therefore, we suggest that applicants use the Housing Assistance Service who can help you through this process.

We will manage the entire process for you from beginning to end, including:

  • Supporting you to access funding, grants or loans.
  • Designing the works to meet your needs.
  • Gaining permission for the works with your property owner, if required.
  • Selecting and managing the building contractors.

This is a full support service which enables vulnerable, older and disabled people to adapt their homes to protect and enhance their independent living.

If you would like to contact the Housing Assistance Service please see details below:

If you live in a social rented property, you should speak to your landlord first as sometimes they can make adaptations as part of their planned maintenance to the property. You may also need their permission to proceed with any works.

How much you can get

The amount of grant you can get will be decided by a test of resources. This takes into account the income and capital of the disabled person and their spouse.

If the grant is for the benefit of a disabled person who is under the age of 18 and dependent, e.g. still lives at home, then the test of resources will not be applied.

The current limit for a Disabled Facilities Grant is a maximum of £30,000.

A to Z of Services