Homelessness and Substance Misuse

It's not unusual to be homeless and be impacted by either alcohol or drug misuse.

The Housing Options Team works closely with recovery support providers to help people overcome challenges around substance misuse to help improve your health and sustain housing. 

If you feel that your ability to keep your own house is being impacted by drugs or alcohol it is important that you ask for help and support. You can do this by contacting Staffordshire Treatment And Recovery Services (STARS) for specialist advice and support. The Housing Options Team will work closely with STARS to help you find suitable accommodation. 

Email: starswest@mpft.nhs.uk

Tel: 01785 270080

STARS - Staffordshire Treatment and Recovery Service (staffstars.org)

You may also feel that your mental health is impacted by substance misuse. It is important that health professionals working with you provide you with advice and assistance that address both your mental health and substance misuse together (known as co-occurring or dual diagnosis).

Housing Advice

The Housing Options Team can provide you with a full housing need assessment and advice on options in the Borough. 

Homes Plus own the majority of social housing stock in Stafford Borough and you can register directly with them via their website. Home - Homes Plus

Housing providers, including supported accommodation and emergency accommodation providers, will not allow you to take drugs where you live. It is important that you have help to manage this if you feel it will impact on your ability to live somewhere.

Substance misuse can also be the cause of anti-social behaviour or problems with noise, nuisance, and neighbours when you live in your own accommodation. This could lead to you losing your accommodation and it may be difficult to find somewhere else to live. It is important that you receive support for your alcohol or drug use so it does not impact on your home.


STARS (Staffordshire Treatment and Recovery Services)

Telephone and in person services for people who need help with drug or alcohol misuse.

Email: starswest@mpft.nhs.uk

Tel: 01785 270080 

Access Team, Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust     

Urgent NHS Mental Health Helpline

Tel: 0808 196 3002 


Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Wellbeing Services

NHS service that provides support and treatment that improve emotional wellbeing

Tel: 0300 303 0923 

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Wellbeing Service (staffsandstokewellbeing.nhs.uk)

Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline

For those feeling concerned, worried, stressed or low, they offer a call service evenings and weekend to offer support when other services are closed.

Tel: 0808 800 2234

6pm - 2am weekdays

2pm - 2am weekends


Provide telephone and online support

Tel: 116 123 (Open 24/7)

Contact us

The Housing Options Team, based at Stafford Borough Council, can provide you with advice on your housing needs and explain what options are available to you. 

Tel: 01785 619000

Email: housingadvice@staffordbc.gov.uk 

If you are homeless and the council offices are closed, then you can contact the homelessness out of hours service on 01785 619170.

You should only use this service if you have nowhere to stay immediately. 

A to Z of Services