
Time running out to have say on plans to help low-income households 

There is still time for residents, businesses and organisations to have their say on proposals that would see more people in Stafford Borough not paying any council tax.

Fly-tipping is no Mynor offence for Stafford councillor 

A senior councillor has warned litter louts that they could face court action if they dump rubbish illegally in Stafford.

dumped rubbish

Charity will give warm advice for cold snap in Stafford 

Residents in Stafford Borough are being encouraged to contact experts about keeping their homes warm and their bills down - with the cold snap and the potential of snow on the way. 


Work underway on improved Market Square for Stafford 

Work gets underway this week on the renovation of the Market Square in Stafford. 

Work underway on improved Market Square for Stafford

New year, new challenges

Stafford Borough Council Leader, Patrick Farrington, has said they remain on track to deliver ambitious projects and are up to the challenges the new year will bring. 

Council Leader

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