
Organisers hope to experience joy of six for global Stafford event 

A popular event that aims to showcase Stafford’s position on the world’s stage makes a return to the county town this summer. 

youth theatre

People need voter id for council elections in Stafford

New Government rules mean residents wanting to vote in the borough council elections later this year will need to show photographic identification at polling stations. 

Ballot Box

Avoid Valentine’s Day Love Bug 

People celebrating a romantic meal out for Valentine’s Day are being urged to check the hygiene ratings of where they are planning to eat.

Hygiene Rating

Change will see thousands not paying council tax in Stafford to offset cost crisis

Changes to rules have been given the go-ahead which will see thousands of people in Stafford Borough not paying any council tax.

council tax money

Green light for funding boost for range of projects in Stafford Borough 

The green light has been given for more than £4.5m to be spent on a raft of projects in Stafford Borough. 

Crown Wharf

Affordable housing boost if derelict office sale goes ahead

Derelict offices in Stafford are to be sold off with money from the sale used to provide affordable housing for local people.

Affordable housing boost if derelict office sale goes ahead

King’s coronation street parties in Stafford get boost 

Residents and organisations in Stafford Borough can get roads closed for free for street parties to celebrate the coronation of King Charles lll.

street party

Plan for adapting to climate change in Stafford is a first in region 

A plan to tackle the future risks of climate change in Stafford is the first of its kind in the region. 


Masterplan to deliver new mixed-use community in Stafford approved 

Plans to deliver new homes, business, hotel, and leisure facilities in Stafford have progressed following approval of a new masterplan.

artists impression

Just six pence on council tax for residents in Stafford 

Residents will pay just six pence a week extra in tax to Stafford Borough Council from April. 


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