
Stafford awarded Bee Friendly Town status

Stafford is now officially a bee friendly town. 

Bee on lavender

Residents can have say on car racing ban in Stafford

Residents can now have a say on plans to ban cars racing along a main road in Staffordshire.

speeding cars

Friends - the one where woman gets £600 fine after rubbish dumped illegally

A woman who let a “friend of a friend” get rid of rubbish for her has been fined £600 after it was dumped on a country lane in Staffordshire.

fly tipped rubbish

More than £120k donated by recycling at Stafford Crematorium

A local charity has received £14,000 from recycled artificial hip and knee joints at the crematorium in Stafford.

grave stones

New mayor takes chains of office in Stafford

The new mayor of Stafford Borough was sworn in at a traditional ceremony in the town at the weekend. 

Mayor Councillor Frank James

Transformation publicity attracting potential businesses to Stafford

Plans to transform a derelict department store in Stafford are proving a hit with potential businesses.

artists impression - shop fronts

Councillors agree funding to help foodbanks survive in Stafford

Foodbanks in Stafford Borough are being handed a lifeline after senior councillors agreed to an £11,000 grant.

Councillor Jill Hood

Mayor and Olympians at park opening ceremony in Stone

The Mayor of Stafford Borough was joined by Olympic gold medallist, Joe Clarke, as they officially opened Westbridge Park in Stone after its £1.5m transformation.

Stafford Borough Mayor, Olympians Joe Clarke and Adam Burgess

Polls apart for election day in Stafford Borough

A variety of venues will become polling stations next week giving residents across Stafford Borough the chance to cast votes in elections.

Polling Station

Gold standard - Clarke at Park for official opening in Stone

Gold-medal winning Olympic canoeist, Joe Clarke, will return to Westbridge Park in Stone which will be celebrating its £1.5m transformation this weekend.

Olympic Canoeist Joe Clarke holding gold medal

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