If you find yourself in an emergency - use common sense and your instincts. Do not put yourself or anybody else in danger. If emergency services are at the scene follow their advice and try to remain calm.
It is important to:
- Make sure 999 has been called
- Try and remain calm
- Speak clearly
- Tell the operator which service you require
- Tell the Emergency Service
- Where the trouble is
- What the trouble is
- Where you are
Do not hang up until the operator tells you to do so.
If there is a medical emergency, you may be given medical instructions that can help the patient Remember, 999 is free from any pay phone and mobile phone.
If you accidentally dial 999 STAY ON THE LINE and tell the operator what happened. Emergency operators treat unknown 999 calls as potential emergencies in progress requiring immediate response.
Please be sure that everyone in your home knows how to dial 999 - to report an emergency and be sure all children know that they should not dial 999 as a joke. Ensure you do not put yourself in danger. Check for injuries. Follow the advice of the emergency services.
If an incident occurs within close proximity you should:
Go inside a safe building and stay there until you are advised to do otherwise.
Tune into local TV or radio for situation updates.
Go in, Stay in and Tune in.
Be aware of how to get information in the event of an emergency.
In the case of most major emergencies the simple advice to follow is to go inside, stay inside and tune into the local radio.
With most incidents the safest place to be is indoors, with the correct preparation you should be able to stay there safely for some time (remember in the case of a fire in a building - get out and stay out).
If you are close to an emergency and believe you or others are in danger go inside a safe building (as long as you are sure there is no fire risk) and stay there until advised otherwise. Tune into local radio and television for updates on what is happening.
Local and national radio stations work together to make sure they can give out accurate and up to date information to keep people fully informed on what to do if there is a major incident.
Radio is easily accessible.
You can listen to it in the car and as long as you have a battery powered or wind-up radio you can still listen even if there is a power cut. Warning messages are categorised as below.
Threat - is used when describing the general need for alertness.
Alert - is used where there is a need for particular vigilance and readiness by the public to take specific action.
Warning - is reserved for occasions where when there is specific intelligence about a time and place, when the police need to take action to protect people.
Local radio stations:
The FM frequencies are shown below for some of the more common radio stations serving the are:
FM 89.1 BBC Radio 2
FM 91.3 BBC Radio 3
FM 93.5 BBC Radio 4
FM 94.6 (Stoke-on-Trent)
FM 104.1 (Stafford, Staffordshire)
AM 1503 (Staffordshire)
Touch Radio
FM 101.6 (Lichfield and Tamworth, Staffordshire)
FM 102.4 (Burton on Trent)