Housing Association Liaison Group - Terms of Reference

The Liaison Group brings together all Housing Associations with properties within Stafford Borough to encourage communication and consultation with each other and the Local Authority.

The Group’s focus is on existing schemes and tenancies rather than new development.


A structured approach to liaison built around the needs of the organisations involved to explore and share good practice and to monitor and evaluate nomination agreements.

To analyse and develop the Choice based Lettings Scheme in operation in Stafford Borough.

To develop a joined up customer focussed approach, with particular reference to areas within the Borough that are served by multiple housing providers.


The main objective is to build partnerships across all sectors in the region, that will seek to:-

  • build community cohesion and sustainability, enabling tenants to have choice in where they live and to encourage people to contribute positively to their community;
  • increase equality of access and outcomes for Housing Association customers;
  • ensuring good relationships between tenants and Housing Associations; and
  • deliver greater effectiveness and efficiency savings and share good practice across the region.


The membership of the Liaison Group will consist of representatives from the following organisations:-

  • Stafford Borough Council
  • Staffordshire County Council
  • Bromford Housing Group
  • Sanctuary Housing
  • Affinity Sutton
  • Midland Heart
  • Places for People
  • Accord Housing Association
  • Homes Plus
  • South Staffordshire Housing Association
  • Housing 21
  • Waterloo Housing Association
  • Staffordshire Housing Association
  • Wrekin Housing Trust

Other organisations will be invited where appropriate.

Each organisation’s nominated representative is responsible for ensuring that agreed actions are completed on time.

Leadership and Administration

We are the lead organisation, responsible for co-ordinating, chairing and hosting Liaison Group meetings.

The Agenda for the Liaison Group will be set by the Chair and will be circulated with any relevant items prior to the meeting.

Attendance and apologies for absence by members of the Liaison Group will be recorded in the minutes of each meeting. Minutes of each meeting will be drawn up, circulated and agreed as a correct record at the subsequent meetings, subject to any agreed amendments.

The Liaison Group will meet approximately every six months, additional meetings may be arranged to consider issues of an urgent nature at the request of members.

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