The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
Rates food businesses on their hygiene standards, based on inspections carried out by Stafford Borough Council. Businesses in the area are rated on a scale ranging from 0 which means ‘urgent improvement necessary’ to a top rating of 5 which is ‘very good’.
So, whether you’re reserving a table at that romantic hotspot, the cosy little café, or planning on ordering a takeaway on your way home for a romantic meal, make sure to check the hygiene rating first!
Look out for the green and black food hygiene rating stickers displayed on windows and doors. If you can’t see a sticker, then ask staff or check online at
Stafford Borough Council has a legal duty to enforce the Food Safety Act.
The Food and Safety Team aims to ensure that, in Stafford Borough: -
- Safe food is produced
- Food poisoning and infectious diseases are kept to a minimum
- Safe work places are provided
The following pages will explain how we operate our Food Safety Service.
We are committed to: -
- Being aware of community needs and promoting and protecting their interests.
- Ensuring we direct services thoughtfully to those needs and treat individuals equally according to their needs.
- Continuously improving performance.