Annual Canvass

Reply to the Annual Canvass online here

The Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) is required by law to conduct an annual canvass each year in order to maintain a complete and accurate electoral register that will be published on 1 December.  

This involves contacting households across the borough to ensure that the correct electors are registered at the property.

Methods of contact

The ERO may contact each household in a variety of ways.


The ERO may make contact by post in the form of an A3 form or an A4 letter.

A3 Form / A4 Letter

A response is required. The form / letter may be pre-populated with the occupiers currently registered at the property or may not be populated if no-one has registered before.

The details need to be checked to ensure they are correct. If they are, the following means of contact will be available to respond:

  • A link to the website enables the occupier to respond online ( The two-part Security Code will be needed
  • A freephone number - 0808 284 1575 – enables the occupier to respond by phone but only where there are no changes. The two-part Security Code will be needed
  • Returning the whole of the A3 form amended if applicable, signed and dated

If the A3 form / A4 letter is blank and not populated, the details of any individuals permanently residing at the property aged 16 years or above will need to be added to the property by one of the following means of contact:

  • A link to the website enables the occupier to respond online ( The two-part Security Code will be needed
  • A freephone number - 0808 284 1575 – enables the occupier to respond by phone but only where there are no changes. The two-part Security Code will be needed
  • Returning the form / letter with any amendments

Reply to the Annual Canvass online here


If an email address has been provided in the past, the ERO may use this to contact you and it will be sent via the Elections Team - Stafford Borough Council.

There will be a link within the message ( to enable the occupier to respond online. The two-part Security Codes provided will be needed to enable you to respond.

Enabling the council to contact you by email reduces the amount of post being sent.

Reply to the Annual Canvass online here

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