Taxi Licensing Policy and Licence Conditions 2025 - Consultation

We are consulting on the review and amendments made to the Taxi Licensing Policy and Licence Conditions 2025.

The consultation exercise will last for 8 weeks and will run from Friday 24 January 2025 to midnight Friday 14 March 2025.

Comments are welcome on all or any specific issues you may have with the consultation document (pdf 610kb).

Please also see the amendments table (pdf 498kb).

The consultation document is also available as a hard copy and will be placed on reception at the Civic Centre, Stafford.

Please email your comments to and ensure that your full name and address details are provided.

If you are unable to respond electronically, please post the reply to:

Mrs J Wallace, Licensing Manager, Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford ST16 3AQ

Tel: 01785 619745

Respondents are asked to note that the Council may publish, in reports, on its website, or in the media, some or all of the comments received in response to this consultation. This might include respondent’s names and addresses.

If there is a particular reason why you do not wish your comments, or identity to be published or disclosed please let us know. Although your wishes in this respect may not override any statutory requirement to disclose, they will be taken into account as far as possible.

If you reply by email, the above overrides any confidentiality disclaimer generated by your IT system.

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