Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

To help give more detailed guidance on policies or proposals in the Local Plan, we have prepared Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). SPDs do not contain new policy, but support the policies in the adopted Plan for Stafford Borough 2011-2031 by setting out in more detail how the policy will be applied. The Adoption Statement (pdf 112kb) confirms that the following SPDs have now been adopted by us.


The Design SPD (pdf 6.8mb) was adopted at full Council on 24 April 2018 and replaces the Space About Dwellings SPG and the Extensions to Dwellings SPG.

Shop Fronts and Advertisements

The Shop Fronts and Advertisements SPD (pdf 2mb) was adopted at full Council on 24 April 2018 and replaces New and Old Shop Fronts SPG.


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