The Market is held on the second Saturday of every month and is normally held in the Market Square, apart from January when there is no Market.
Goods for sale are cakes, wines, jams and preserves, scotch eggs, pastries, street food, crafts, jewellery, candles, wax melts, artisan wood turning and many more items too numerous to mention.
Traders begin to set up their stalls from as early as 7.30am with the majority being open for trading from 9am they close at around 3pm or when they have nothing left to sell. (Which happens quite a lot as their produce is very popular).
Book a Stall
To book a stall at the Farmers Market please use our printable/fillable pdf application form (pdf 129kb) or our Word application form or, contact the Markets Office on 01785 245935.
Having reviewed the Farmers Market - Conditions and Guidelines (pdf 131kb), please print and sign from the link. By signing these rules you, the producer, are agreeing to sell within the rules, conditions and guidelines of the Farmers' Market.