Everyone should be able to live without fear of violence and abuse but often people are living in fear in their own lives feeling powerless to stop a cycle of physical and emotional pain and abuse.
One in four women will be affected by domestic violence during their lifetime.
Stafford Borough does not tolerate domestic violence
Domestic abuse is often a hidden crime and an increase in the number of reported incidents could be considered as a positive sign that more people are having the confidence to report domestic abuse whether it's the victim themselves or someone on their behalf.
There are several types of domestic abuse including:
- intimate partner abuse
- intra-family abuse (including elder abuse and child-on-parent)
- honour- based abuse
- forced marriage
- female genital mutilation (FGM)
Police data suggests that the majority (79%) of domestic abuse is intimate partner abuse - and to a lesser extent intra-family abuse.
Recorded cases of cultural types of abuse (including forced marriage and honour-based abuse) are very low.
Approximately half of domestic abuse-related crimes that are recorded by the police do not result in an arrest and a large proportion have evidential difficulties in proceeding with prosecution. Nationally around 43% of domestic abuse incidents are criminal offences and these make up just under a third (32%) of all violent crime.
Types of abuse:-
- Psychological - This can affect the way you think and feel and is brought on by the way people interact with you this could be hidden threats or just being isolated.
- Physical - Any use of physical force with the intention to cause fear or injury, like hitting, shoving, biting, strangling, kicking or using a weapon.
- Sexual - Any action that stops a person's ability to control their sexual activity or the ways in which sexual activity happens, this could be controlling access to birth contraception. Ignoring someone saying no to sexual contact by repeatedly using emotional, verbal or physical pressure.
- Financial - Using money or access to accounts to gain power and control over a partner.
- Emotional - Non-physical behaviours such as threats, insults, constant monitoring, excessive texting, humiliation, intimidation or isolation.
In an emergency always dial 999
Survive is a new sexual assault and abuse service for Staffordshire (not including Stoke-on-Trent), providing a free, non-judgmental and confidential service for adults, children over the age of 4, and close family members/significant others who have been affected by sexual assault or abuse at any point during their lives.
Over the next three years Stafford Borough Safer Community Partnership are working together to provide:-
- Preventative support to young people in respect of health relationships
- Early identification of victims requiring support for domestic abuse
- Measures to allow victims of domestic abuse and their families to remain in their own property feeling confident of their security.
- To provide immediate and appropriate responses and support to sexual violence, including sexual abuse current and historic, sexual assault and rape
Advice and Help
If you think you are experiencing domestic abuse and/or sexual abuse, free confidential support and advice is available from a number of different agencies.
- Staffordshire Women's Aid 24 Hour Helpline (staffordshirewomensaid.org) - 0300 330 5959
- Men's Advice Line (mensadviceline.org.uk) - 0808 801 0327
- Childline (childeline.org.uk) - 08701111
- Victims Gateway (staffsvictimsgateway.org.uk) - 03300 881 339
- New Era (new-era.uk) - 0300 303 3778
- Survive Sexual Assault and Abuse Service (staffordshirewomensaid.org) - 0300 330 5959