Reduced Housing Benefit is paid to working age tenants who have spare bedrooms in their home. This applies to all tenants in Housing Association properties and Council tenants.
If you have a spare bedroom, the eligible rent used to calculate your claim will be reduced by 14%. If you have two spare bedrooms this reduction is 25%.
Use the Room Calculator to find out how you will be affected.
Who is affected
One bedroom will be allocated for each of the following:
- a couple
- a person who is not a child (aged 16 and over)
- two children of the same sex
- two children who are under 10
- any other child, (other than a child whose main home is elsewhere)
A recent Upper Benefit Tribunal decision has confirmed that in relation to the Under Occupancy rules, there is no minimum size for a bedroom.
Use the Benefit Calculator ( to find out how you will be affected.
What you need to tell us
- If you are disabled and the property has been significantly adapted for your needs let us know.
- If you have disabled children who are unable to share a bedroom let us know.
- If you have a non-resident carer who stays overnight, you may be allowed an additional room.
If any of these provisions apply please call us on 01785 619478.
What you need to do next
Check with your Landlord that they have told us the number of Bedrooms in your property.
If you are likely to be affected by these changes, contact the Citizens Advice Bureau who will be able to provide help on budgeting and talk through some of the other options with you.
Renting out spare rooms
You can rent out a spare room under the Rent a Room Scheme (
Being a landlord and renting out a room (
Exemptions to the Under Occupancy Rule
Due to a gap in Government legislation, a small number of tenants will not be affected by the Under Occupancy rules until 3 March 2014. For this delay to be applied a tenant must meet all of the following conditions:
- Been continuously in receipt of housing benefit since at least 1 January 1996
- Been resident at the same dwelling since that date, except where there has been a fire, flood, explosion or natural catastrophe that rendered the property uninhabitable.
The exemption outlined above continues to apply if there has been a break and:
- that break was for no more than 4 weeks
- or no more than 52 weeks if the claimant or their partner is a welfare to work beneficiary.
We have already contacted those tenants that we believe fall into this exemption. If you believe you were exempt and have not been contacted contact our Customer Services team on 01785 619478.