
We want to provide you with efficient and high quality services at all times but if things go wrong, you can help us put it right.

You can make a complaint using our online complaints form or fillable and printable form.

Alternatively you can email or call 01785 619000

All complaints will be investigated promptly and fairly and we will provide you with reasons for our response to your complaint. 

To see how we deal with complaints please see our full Complaints Procedure.

What we mean by complaint

  • if you are unhappy with a service we have provided or we have failed to provide that service
  • if a member of our staff has been rude or unhelpful 
  • if we have not followed our own policies and procedures resulting in a negative outcome

The following will not be treated as a complaint;

  • if you disagree with a decision of the Council, which has been taken in accordance with our policies and procedures
  • where you have a right of appeal or review, whether internally to another person or body within the Council, or externally to some other person or body. 

If your complaint relates to the Conduct of a Member(s) please use the following link;

Complaints - Council Members

A to Z of Services