Time ticking away if you want to vote in General Election


ballot box

Time is ticking away for people in Stafford Borough to register to be able to vote in next month’s General Election.

The last day to register to take part in the election is Tuesday 18 June and residents can find out how by going to www.staffordbc.gov.uk/how-do-you-register-to-vote

And the deadline to apply for a postal vote is the following day (Wednesday 19 June) with more information from Elections - Voting | Stafford Borough Council (staffordbc.gov.uk)

More than 100 polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm across the borough for people to cast their vote on Thursday 4 July. 

This is the first ‘General Election’ where people will need to bring photographic identification with them to vote at a polling station - such as a UK passport, Driving Licence, or disabled blue badge. A full list of acceptable identification can be found at Voter ID | Electoral Commission

If you do not have the identification you have until 5pm Wednesday 26 June to apply for a free ‘Voter Authority Certificate’ at www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate.

Chief Executive of Stafford Borough Council, Tim Clegg, who is the Acting Returning Officer for the election, urged people to make sure they were registered before it was too late. “It is very important that people take the opportunity to vote next month to choose who will be running our government.

“This election will determine the future direction of the country and the outcome will impact on the lives of everyone who lives or works in the borough.

“It only takes a few minutes to register online to vote and it is very straightforward. There will be a polling station near to wherever you live or you can have a postal vote.”

For more information got to www.staffordbc.gov.uk/elections or email elections@staffordbc.gov.uk or call 01785 619 424.

A list of the candidates and to find your polling station go to General Election - 4 July 2024 | Stafford Borough Council (staffordbc.gov.uk)

Press Release No 6135

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