
Polling cards for local elections are being delivered to more than 100,000 residents across Stafford Borough.
The cards, which give information on where people can cast their votes in the Staffordshire County Council election and remind people of the need to bring photographic identification to the polling stations, are being sent out this week.
Stafford Borough Council will be running the poll and there is still time to register if people want to vote on Thursday 1 May.
The last day to register to be able to take part in the elections is Friday 11 April and residents can find out how by going to www.staffordbc.gov.uk/how-do-you-register-to-vote
This is the first ‘County Council’ election where people will need to bring photographic ID with them to vote at a polling station - such as a UK passport, Driving Licence, or disabled blue badge. A full list of acceptable identification can be found at Voter ID | Electoral Commission
But people who do not have the identification have until 5pm Wednesday 23 April to apply for a free ‘Voter Authority Certificate’ at www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate.
Deputy Returning Officer, Tim Clegg, who is the Chief Executive of the Borough Council, urged people to make sure they were registered to vote to take part in the election.
“The right to vote is the cornerstone of a democratic society and I hope people will not miss out on the opportunity of doing so this May.
“Electing councillors to represent you on local issues is very important as they will take key decisions on how services are provided for residents, businesses and organisations across Staffordshire.”
All the seats on Thursday 1 May are up for grabs in the nine borough divisions of the county council - with counting of votes to take place the following day - Friday 2 May.
He added “It only takes a few minutes to register online to vote and it is very straightforward. There will be a polling station near to wherever you live or you can have a postal vote.”
For more information go to www.staffordbc.gov.uk/elections or email
elections@staffordbc.gov.uk or call 01785 619 424.
Press Release No 6207