Bereavement Services - Memorials at Stafford Crematorium

Memorials at Stafford Crematorium

Stafford Borough Council's Bereavement services offer a wide range of memorials for loved ones, whether buried or cremated remains.

All prices are inclusive of V.A.T. where applicable.

Please us our online form to request further information.

Donation Fund

Many visitors to Stafford Crematorium express a desire to perpetuate the memory of a relative or friend in a way that would contribute towards the continuing improvement of the facilities and the appearance of the crematorium. The entire donation will be spent on the grounds with no deduction for administration or other purposes. It will be used for the purchase of bulbs, shrubs, plants and also for fish and plants within the aquatic area. The Council warmly welcomes and appreciates these expressions of financial support and has accordingly established a Donation Fund specifically for that purpose. If you would like to make a donation to the fund please contact the crematorium office where the staff will be pleased to assist you.

Dovecote Memorial Garden

This Memorial Garden, with a granite birdbath as the central feature, provides additional memorialisation. Surrounding this hexagonal garden are sandstone coloured kerbs incorporating an integral plaque. A posy vase is supplied for cut flowers. They are leased for an initial period of seven years with an option to renew after this period.

Memorial Seats

A limited number of positions are available for memorial seats. The seats are leased for a period of ten years with an additional ten-year period available, subject to payment. The fee includes the fixing of a bronze memorial plaque and the maintenance of the seat.

Book of Remembrance

The Book of Remembrance forms a permanent and beautiful memorial of your loved ones. The Books are bound in finest vellum and are designed to last indefinitely. The inscriptions and motifs are hand written by craftsmen in the finest tradition of medieval manuscripts. The page is turned daily. Relatives decide on which date the entry is to appear and may then view the inscription on that date each year.

The inscriptions can be of two, five or eight lines and there are a wide variety of illustrations, which can be copied to accompany entries. These include flowers, birds, coats of arms, badges or crests. Alternatively, you can provide illustrations to be copied. (Available with five or eight line entries only). A miniature book or card provides a personal copy of entries made in the Book of Remembrance. It may be used as a family record, and if you wish, contain photo-miniatures of the deceased.

Entries must be received by the under mentioned dates to ensure that an entry will appear on the date requested:

  • 1 January to 30 April must be received by 30 September.
  • 1 May to 31 August must be received by 31 January
  • 1 September to 31 December must be received by 31 May.

Find out more about the On Screen Memorials (Digital Book of Remembrance).

Leather Recordia Panels

Each individual panel in black leather with a gold embossed inscription is placed into a specially designed setting in the Remembrance Room and is continuously available for viewing during normal opening times. The panels are available in two sizes-single or double. They are leased for an initial period of five years with an option to renew for further periods.

Garden of Remembrance

The Garden of Remembrance is a natural area that is set aside for the placing of cremated remains. When cremated remains are scattered in the Garden a record is kept of the section that is used. It may be a comfort to know that this information is available on request from the Office. If a family member expresses a wish for their own cremated remains to be scattered in the same section of the Garden of Remembrance as their loved ones, then this can be arranged for them.

Visitors are asked to refrain from placing tokens of remembrance of any kind on the Garden as they quickly deteriorate and become unsightly.

Cremated Remains Lawn Grave

This section offers a larger burial plot for cremated remains. The grave is laid out as a lawn type grave and will accommodate up to six individual sets of cremated remains.

At the head of the plot a memorial of your choice can be fixed in line with current cemetery regulations.

Full details are available on request. A flower vase is provided, but you may wish to purchase a polished black granite vase with lettering to suit.

Sanctum - Above Ground Vault

The Sanctum is designed to accommodate two sets of Cremated Remains. It consists of an above ground vault with a polished granite plaque and a flower vase provided; the plaque can be inscribed with up to eleven lines of inscription.

The first four lines of inscription are included in the initial cost; the plaque may also accommodate an engraved motif or photo plaque. The container/s are placed within the vault and the inscribed plaque securely fixed to the front of the chamber.

Gazebo and Rowan Memorial Garden

This is an area set aside for the burial of cremated remains in a burial plot. It consists of a grave for two caskets with a memorial tablet of Bon accord Granite-size 12' x 13', which may contain up to ten lines of inscription. A four-line inscription is included in the initial cost. A photoplaque or engraved motif may be added. A flower vase is provided, but you may wish to purchase a polished black granite vase with lettering to suit.

Full details available on request.

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