Temporary Event Notices (or TENs) are for small scale, ad-hoc events involving activities which would normally be licensed under the Licensing Act 2003, for example, sale/supply of alcohol, exhibition of plays or films, live and recorded music or late night refreshment.
These events can be held at premises where a licence already exists or can be used to licence an unlicensed premises for that event.
An application must be served on the Local Authority and the Police no later than 10 working days before the event. If you apply online (see link below), a copy of the application will be passed to the Police, Fire Service and Environmental Health on your behalf.
For further information that outlines the do’s and don'ts of a Temporary Event Notice, including certain restrictions and limitations involving numbers of events, please read our factsheet.
The Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 amend section 107 of the Licensing Act 2003.
Section 107 requires a licensing authority to issue a counter notice on receipt of a temporary event notice (“TEN”) where certain permitted limits are exceeded. The effect of giving a counter notice is that the proposed event is not authorised to proceed.
The number of TENs which may be given in relation to the same premises in the calendar year, without a counter notice being issued, is 15, and the number of days in the calendar year which a single premises can be used to carry on licensable activities is 21.
What to Include:
The Notice should be submitted by a person who is over the age of 18 and in a specific, prescribed format containing:
- if alcohol is to be supplied, a statement confirming that it is a condition of using the premises that the supplies are made under the premises user's authority.
- details of the licensable activities.
- the event period.
- the times when during that period the activities will take place.
- the maximum number of people proposed to be allowed on the premises.
- any other required matters.
For standard TENs, the application must be made in writing (including electronically) to the Local Authority and Police at least 10 clear working days before the event. A fee of £21 for each TEN submitted (if applicable) is payable.
For late TENs, the application must be made in writing (including electronically) to the Local Authority and Police no later than 5 clear working days but no earlier than 9 working days before the event. A fee of £21 for each TEN submitted (if applicable) is payable.
Providing the Notice details the licensable activity (or activities) applied for, and this meets the criteria within the Licensing Act 2003, the event may go ahead unless a counter notice is served.
How do I apply?
The easiest way to apply for a Temporary Event Notice is online or you can download a Word version of the Temporary Event Notice Form.
Please send at least 2 copies to:
- Licensing, Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ
and 1 copy to:
- Staffordshire Police Licensing, Early Intervention and Prevention Unit, Block 9 Ground Floor, Weston Road, Staffordshire, ST18 0YY.
What if things go wrong?
Failure to comply with the above will invalidate the Temporary Event Notice. Please note that in order for an application to be valid, both Licensing and the Police must receive a copy within the timescales listed above.
The chief police officer who receives a notice and believes that the event would undermine crime prevention objectives can serve an objection notice on the licensing authority and the premises user. This notice must be served within 48 hours of receipt of the temporary event notice, and the local licensing authority must hold a hearing if an objection notice is served. A police chief may modify the TEN with the consent of the premises user. In such a case an objection notice will be deemed to have been withdrawn.
Counter notices may be provided by the licensing authority if the number of permitted TENs has been exceeded.
For further details on this, refer to the Factsheet and FAQs at the side of the page.
Still have questions?
If you have any further questions about Temporary Event Notices, please contact the Licensing Team on the contact details above.