Webinar 1: Financial Hardship and Distress - 2 December 2020
- Councillor Jeremy Pert - Stafford Borough Council
- Sam Taylor and Hayley Smith - Stafford Borough Council
- Martin Peake - Beat the Cold, Warmer Homes Stafford
- Elena Dudley - Citizens Advice Bureau
- Kully Manak - National Careers Service
Webinar 2: Mental Health and Wellbeing - 3 December 2020
- Danny Finch - Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust
- Dan Gibbons - Re-Solv
- Esther Bromley - Support Staffordshire
- Sharon Whitchurch - Starfish Health and Wellbeing
Webinar 3: Sustainability and Capacity Building - 3 December 2020
- Lucy Gratton - Staffordshire Connects
- Anne Ross - Support Staffordshire
- Lucy Cox - Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services
- Sarah James - Staffordshire County Council, Doing Our Bit