New leader takes the reigns at Stafford Borough Council


Cllr Aidan Godfrey

The new leader of Stafford Borough Council is Aidan Godfrey. 

Councillor Godfrey is the Labour Group leader and represents the Common Ward in Stafford on the borough council. He was voted in as leader at the annual council meeting on Saturday (13 May). 

Appointments to other roles within the administration will take place on Monday (15 May.) 

The current political make-up of the council is that the Conservatives have 14 seats, Labour has 13 seats, with seven seats for the Stafford Borough Independents, five for the Green Party and one for the Liberal Democrats.  

The full results of the elections can be found at Borough Election Results 2023.

Cllr Godfrey takes over from previous council leader, Patrick Farrington. He was first elected as a councillor on the borough council in 1995. 

Also at the annual meeting, Councillor Andy Cooper, who represents the borough’s Haywood and Hixon Ward, was voted in as Mayor of Stafford Borough for the 2023/24 civic year.

Press Release No 6029

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