Weekly List
Development Management produce a weekly list every Friday which contains details of all planning applications made valid that week.
Under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation most applications will be determined by the Head of Economic Development and Planning unless the application is called in to be reported to Planning Committee. Once an application is valid and on the list, it can be called in to Committee.
Applications can be called in by:
- a Ward Member for the ward in which the application site is located or
- three members of Planning Committee, who need not be members for the ward in question (one call in form can be completed with three signatures).
Call In Periods
A valid call in form must be received no later than 5pm, 21 calendar days from the date of the relevant weekly list. Call in forms are available on the Members’ area of the website. Call in forms must then be agreed by a senior Planning Officer.
A further call in period may be given if significant revised or additional plans or information are received on an application. The relevant members will be informed of any significant revised or additional plans or information and any further call in period.
Applications Not Subject to the Call In Procedure
The following applications may appear on the weekly list but are not subject to the Call In Procedure and are included for information only:
- Applications for Certificates of Lawfulness, Proposed and Existing
- Applications which fall to be determined by Staffordshire County Council
- Notification of Larger Householder extensions
- Applications for works to protected trees/trees in a Conservation Area
Prior Approvals
Applications for prior approval of works to be carried out under permitted development rights may appear on the weekly list. As these applications can be considered approved if a decision is made outside of statutory deadlines, the call in period may need to be reduced.
Withdrawal of Call In Requests
Members can at any time withdraw in writing a call in request they themselves have made on any application. Applications called in by three members of the Planning Committee need the signatures of all three members for a withdrawal request to be valid.
If a withdrawal request is received from a member or members after the agenda is published, Committee will still determine the application, but the withdrawal will be reported orally to Committee.