Gambling Act 2005

The Gambling Act 2005 requires each local authority to publish a Statement of Principles every three years outlining how the Council will deal with all applications received under the above Act and to ensure we are meeting standards set out by the Act.

The Gambling Act 2005 contains 3 licensing objectives that underpin the entire legislation:

  • Preventing gambling from being a source of crime and disorder, being associated with crime or disorder, or being used to support crime;
  • Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way;
  • Protecting children and other vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling.

Under the above Act, Stafford Borough Council is responsible for the issuing of gambling premises licences. Types of premises licences include:

  • Casinos
  • Betting Premises
  • Bingo halls and premises

There are also other forms of authorisation that may permit gambling facilities to be provided on particular premises, also issued by the Council. These include:

  • Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permit
  • Alcohol Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit
  • Prize Gaming Licence
  • Club Gaming Permit and Club Machine Permit
  • Small Society Lotteries


For information on fees and the application process please contact or call 01785 619745.

To download copies of the application forms for premises licences and permits that are issued by the Council (as above), please visit the link below:

Gambling Commission - Licensing Authority Forms

Please complete the relevant form(s) and send in to The Licensing Team at Stafford Borough Council via email or post.

The Gambling Commission is responsible for issuing the following:

  • Operating Licences
  • Personal Licences

An operating licence will be required by anyone wishing to provide facilities for gambling, and are issued for an unlimited period. The Gambling Commission has the power to review, amend or revoke a licence if it has a reason to do so.

Personal licences fall into two categories: management and functional.  A personal management licence is issued to those with a particular, legally-defined role, such as a director or a partner of a company. A personal functional licence is issued to an individual who has the ability to influence the outcome of gambling, for example, a bingo caller or a croupier.

For more information on these types of licence, please visit Gambling Commission's page on Operating Licences.

If you think you or others around you require help or support with regards to gambling issues, please visit the links on the right for information and advice.

A to Z of Services